I will be attending a church wedding of an acquaintance... First time attending church wedding so a bit swa koo...
Wanna ask, is it true guest must wear white long sleeve shirt with pants? Also, is it the same as wedding dinner must give ang pow (btw he got wedding dinner which i am not attending later)
Appreciate answers to my questions thanks
Some help required pls
just buy girfts
attire smart causal
gifts or angpow, but i havent seen anyone give angpow in church b4
wear anything smart and formal
no berms, g string or t shirt pls
Originally posted by laurence82:gifts or angpow, but i havent seen anyone give angpow in church b4
wear anything smart and formal
no berms, g string or t shirt pls
Laurence82 . I will definitely listen to your advice about the g-string
Originally posted by NG QIBO AARON AUBREY:just buy girfts
attire smart causal
Hmmm what kind of gifts does a church wedding guest normally bring? Sorry i really swa koo abt this
Originally posted by DriftingGuy:Hmmm what kind of gifts does a church wedding guest normally bring? Sorry i really swa koo abt this
precious momemts gifts
or buy some photo frames
if not attending his wedding dinner, just give him a token angpow or gift. Wear something with collar.....smart casual will suffice.
A Big fat angbao will be good Dont forget to attatch a condom inside
Thanks everyone for the replies :) Most likely i will get a gift
i believe ppl prefer ang baos to gifts.