Finally, it was done. The preparations were too much too handle that i even roped in two of my best friends, Jess and Nick, together to settle the logistic complications. The restaurant had already been booked all thanks to Jess after much deliberate and hasty resourcing. The menu has already been chosen having both expensive and inexpensive delicacies and hor' deuvres like Perogies, Tuna Rolls and Lobster wraps. How exciting? 43 years and counting and she never had a birthday party this once. Years of planning parties and conventions in schools did not come to a nought as a backup plan had already been prepared too. There goes the planning of the perishables.
Next was even more difficult and i was tasked alone to do it since no one knows her best but her eldest son. Trawling through her ancient phonebook was a precarious job as even the slightest smudge on your fingers would easily tear apart the pages into ancient jigsaw puzzles.
"Aunt Lin. Check".
"Brian. Check".
"Uncle Donovan. Check".
"Auntie Sus. Check".
"Draco. Check".
Hmmmm, should i or shouldn't i? Suddenly, i found myself entangled into a mass of question marks..........
A surprise party!
But how come Daddy not living together with the rest?