Guess whose signature each belongs to:1. "Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
PonGz is UgLy
2. :+ b.i.t.c.h >> of.herself +:
3. There is only one truth, but many lies, color your life with more lies now!
4. [--]If you do not open your heart, other's heart will remain close to you. - Jean Jacques Rousseau)=|
I am a Spirit that seek wandering souls.
5. Wat is in past, is in the past.Wat have happened, is destined to happen...It is a lesson to learn to make you strong, Not a tattered dream for you to wallow in.
6. All ALoNe ToNiTe... I'm CaLLinG OuT YoUr NaMe... SoMeWHeRe DeeP InSiDe... ThiS PaRT Of YoU ReMaiNs... IMaGeS Of LoVe TaKe Me BaCk In TiMe...
7. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving
--Albert Einstein
8. ~To Be Loved Is To Be Blessed~
9. dO i LoVe yOU cOs yOu aRe wOndErfUL oR aRe yOu wOndErfUL cOs i LovE yOu...
aRe yOU a sWeEt iLLusiOn oF a LovEr's dReaM.. Or ArE yOU aS wOnDeRfUL aS u sEeM..
LoVeS oNLi v|c
=== bEaCH bUm bUnNiE ===
10. Let me be the one to wipe ur tears, to soothe ur fears, to hold u, to kiss u & to be beside u. Let me be the one to love u...
11. Depression is not a sign of personal weakness. It is a medical condition that needs treatment.
GoD, |f u C@n't mAkE mE tH|N, mAk3 mY fR|eNdS FAT...
~~~Wo Shi AngEL~~~
12. All you have to do is to decide what to do with the time given to you
13. Th|s |s a coumputer generated document No s|gnature |s requ|red
14. I'M nOt hoStiLE...I'm jUst a littLe biT reSerVe & sHy...
15. I killed a hell lot of people to get to this point.
16. Self Dominance is No Dominance
You dun Own Whatever you self-claim to own
17. aLthouGht i'll Nv GeT tO SeE YoU FoR ThE reSt Of My liFe, u WiLL StiLL rEmaiN iN mY heaRt FoRevEr....
18. Perhaps I should just let go and let e memories accompany me for an eternity
19. I always lose control when you are by my side.
You have become the light of my life.
I always enjoy the time I spend with you.
Because nothing makes me feel the way you do.
I think I'm falling in love with you.....
20. Without water, fishes can't swim. Without sky, the birds dun understand what is freedom. Without preservence, there will not be success.Without the sun, the moon wouldn't shine. Without U around, Life is meaningless.";
21. ~|'m a|| out of |uv, |'m so |ost witout u, i koe u were rite, be|ieving 4 so |ong, |'m so out of |uv, wad m | witout u...~
22. But it's time to let go
And so I relive every moment
we spent together for the last time.
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present!!!
23. We should see things as they are, not as what we want them to be.
24. Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived
25. "A second passed is history..there are no turning back for tt very second..treasure wat u hv..lose it & regret it.."
Enjoy guessing!