The seeds of love, quietly and silently they creep
Into my heart’s vault, unlocking without keys
Your presence was the sun rays, your words the water
Took root they did, strong and full of will
Blossoming into the immortal amaranth
Still I hid them away, away from the eyes of the crowd
Uncertainty clouded my judgement and sense
I struggled to find my way through the day
Miss was the word most prominent
In love poems they say
And I can’t help but agree
For longing is my only crime
You are the abnormality
The singular faux pas I never came to expect
I arrived and walked through the crossroads of hearts
And now I’m jailed, in this cage of aching
The mind works in mysterious ways
And the heart even more so secretive
You took my heart without my knowing
Now you threw the keys away
Burning underneath my flesh is the flames of passion
Yet I hesitate, not knowing what to expect
I’ve once ventured into the heart of another
And since returned a defeated soul
The story behind my painting of words
All my untold tales of loss
All the uncertainty of my feelings
All the unknown of the futures
The Disintegration of the Painting of Words
The immortal amaranth still stands
With its crown of beauty, the never dying petals
The crowd had dispersed and gone
Yet the lone jail stands, its iron bars unchanged
Driven insane by the bars of iron
The man stands, still tormented and lost
On the barren land of waste
The pink petals lying on the floor
Defeated once, he was before
Though one day he tried again
But soon he returned
Now twice the defeated soul
His tears were dry
And in his eyes were distant tales
The tales of hope and love
Now gone and bygone
The broken fragments of his heart
Locked in a chest they were
Along with all the hopes of the world
And of loving again.