Dear friends,
Usually November is the time for you to vote for your favourite poems, however due to insufficient submissions we have to postpone our 6th DPS Poetry Writing Competition till next year.
Meanwhile, I think most of you are aware that IÂ’ve been waiting to change our forumÂ’s name for quite some times. Although I like the sound of Dead Poets Society but I am also looking for something original.
Thus, we have decided to organize a “Pick A New Name” Contest to replace the current Dead Poets Society.
Below are the rules for the contest:1) There are no limitations to the number of submissions.
2) We are looking for something original. Do keep in mind that we are “an online poetry community for aspiring poets to post their poems, exchange feedback and talk about poetry.”
3) All submissions must be in by
6 December 2006 either via pm or you can post them in this thread.
All moderators will be involved in selecting a winner. However we may or may not change our forum name as it all depends on how much we like the new name. (We may end up retaining DPS, sounds familiar?)
Submissions (including those via pm)A Taste of Insomnia
A Pinch of Inspiration
Anthology of Living Poetry
Beat, Rhyme and Life
Courting the Muse
Chatty Chapbook Club
Drunken Muse Society
Erato's Touch Poetry / Society
First Line Society
First Verse Society
Flirting with Words / Insomnia
Howl! Singapore
Idle Musing
Just Write! Poetry
Kisses From A Muse
Musings & Scribblings
Musings, Metaphors and Caesuras
Mad Pencil Club / Society
Making Poetry
Mid-nite Muses
Poems & Prose Podium/Palace/Patio
Poetry Connection
Poetry Factory @sg
Poetry Picks
Poetry Bits
Poetry Works
Poets' Alley
Poets On Steriod
Poets In The City
Poetry Imprint!
Poetry Glutton Restaurant
Poetry Ice Kachang
Poetry Dessert Club
Poetry Creations
Poetry Blackbox
Poetry Baskets
Poetry Closets
PoetsÂ’ Corner
PoetsÂ’ Haunt
Poets Locomotion
Reeds on Papyrus
Singapore Muse / Poetry Society
Singapore Poetry X-change
The Chaotic Chapbook
The Metal Feather Club
The Scribe's Scratchboard
The Web of Poets Society
The Talking Poetry Society
Typing Cuckoo
The PoetsÂ’ Little Black Book
Thoughts R Us
WriterÂ’s Block
Written With Love
Words Storm
Words On Screen Forum
Word Weavers World
Words & Works
WritersÂ’ Crafts