Originally posted by expiringpoet:
My notebook is my microsoft word on my laptop.
Easy lah, for practical reasons, no need to scramble around for loose pieces of paper or a notebook which I might not have at hand with me.
Editing is cleaner as well. No ugly lines scratching across words that don't fit or phrases that jar
Laptop:Mass: 2.1kg (Toshiba Tecra M2V- my laptop).
Booting time: 30 seconds (or more, depending on my stoopid laptop's temper)
Distraction factor: Plenty (Gmail, MSN, sgforums, etc....)
Portability: Sometimes too lazy to lug it around in my backpack.
Power source: batteries last ~2 hours.
A'Zone Notebook:Mass: ~ 100g
Booting time: Instantaneous
Distraction factor: none.
Portability: Very lightweight and portable.
Power source: My own brain.
There's a reason why I kinda prefer good ol' fashioned notebooks - even when I have my laptop with me.