The poem seems to lose focus in the last stanza where the subject seems to have abruptly changed. Or maybe the poem just tries to touch on too many things and never really explores any of them fully.
1) character of the pimp
2) N fighting against temptation
3) ladies waiting for 'customers'
Minor nitpick - be consistent with the way you begin a line (I mean line, not sentence) - whether you want to capitalise the first word or not. It's a little confusing with some of the lines beginning with capital and some are not.
So I stumbled into an area
Rank with stench <-- capitalised here
of sweat, seductive <-- not capitalised
sex and squalor
A plump old pimp sings to me:
Hey Mister! look see;
Pretty girls so young, <-- capitalised
donÂ’t worry, donÂ’t worryÂ…<-- not capitalised
-- It's difficult for me to understand exactly what 'betraying body' is. How does it betray? Why is it refered to that way?
-- I feel that Pied Piper reference is not suitable. Usually this reference is used when people are lured to a single object, not multiple ones like a group of ladies. Pied Piper lured persons to a place or thing, not to another person or groups of persons. Just IMHO.