My god is never your God never is
a personification of something impersonal
like dull newsprint tracts and craftwire truths
that you twist with pliers and ply like desire.
My god is a god without capital, it is a faith
without a name -- as natural as the turns and tides
from the moon and back; as comfortable
as the comfort of breathing the line
of life and death is my god is my god.
My sacrament is the celebration
of an inherent good, that lasts
from one iota of humanity to the last
vanquished spark of thought.
It neither capricious nor vengeful
nor a summation of all the things you took
for granted and lost. My god is a god
that inscribes the consequences of folly
into limestone that refuses to be swept away.
My god is as imperfect as I am.
But it is stronger than I
am stronger than free will. It bends with
the wind but never uproots: sturdy branches
from which integrity is born. My god
is a kaleidoscope that permutates planes
like a fan of cards by a carafe of wine.
My god is a god without capital,
my god is a god as imperfect
as a homily without words: a tabula rasa
once written and scratched on a slate
is my god: the many faces of a divine
that I see in fellow men, and I strive,
and I strive to live my life searching for
unsung psalms and elusive tenets:
to live my life with grace, integrity
and a love that is mine is my god.
A homily that comes from an inarticulate heart.