A bit surreal, especially the second stanza. The first stanza was a little difficult to grasp for me, but basically I think the narrator is saying he feels trapped in his own thoughts somehow and is unable to express his feelings. I don't get the reference to the white snake.
Your breath stains the door
and yet I am but in
one white cubicle
and not in that mosaic-tiled
monstrosity with birth-barriers
planted on the wall,
a god of reality
for all you worshippers
and false priests alike.Bold part - why suddenly addressing someone else? That threw me off a bit.
I think the second stanza deals with fear of the consequences that might come from expressing his feelings.
I fear that you might
leave on a road-trip
and become a desiccated skull
on the highway of my uncertainty.
I like these lines a lot.
Very interesting read.