A friend of mine recently wrote a poem. With his permission, I decided to post it here. Do you think it is a good poem? Please tell me how you feel about it.
BooksBooks have helped and hurt me in my life
They have burnt a big hole in my small pocket
And made me a very poor man indeed...
Books have made me wiser, though still not wise enough
More critical, but still not critical enough
More conscious of the world at large, but still not conscious enough...
Books have made my tiny HDB flat a huge mess
But custom-made bookshelves cost too much to make
And bungalows cost too much to purchase
Books are for the rich men to buy
And for the poor men to borrow
That is what libraries are for...
Yet books-buying is an addiction that is hard to break
For books on hand for scribbling and highlighting are great
Thus making the poor man poorer and poorer all his life.
By H.S.