One is my primary sch teacher when i am in p4, great teacher she is. I was scolded and always being 'aim' by her infront of my classmates.
She gave me the feeling of insulted i have nv had. She is the type of i-will-get-watever-i-wan type of person, i was retain back after sch, when people are gone, scolded for my failure in spelling, my careless mistakes in tests. I was made to do correction again and again. Think i am being lucky now for the chance of getting her as my teacher, i will nv regret that.
Here is a few phrase i gotten from her, " Work hard and play hard" , " Do your best now and have no regret in ur future".
She has really movtivated me, she started my love for maths and science in my primary sch days even tho i have been failing in p3. Unfortunately i was transfer to another sch in woodlands after tt yr.
Remembered she told me once after scolding me, " U are going to transfer sch soon after this yr, do you wan to use this type of result to get into those sch of ur choice?"
It was her that cause me to be so resilent. I have lost contact with her, jus hope she is well and will create more talents in every pupils.