AMMY VFrom 23rd to 27th April 2007, Singapore will be the epicenter for youth discussion in the region. ASEAN Ministers and representatives from various youth organisations will come together in the 5th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Youth (AMMY V), establishing ties and addressing the interests of youths. This is the first time that Singapore is hosting the AMMY.
The 1st ASEAN + 3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministerial Meeting on Youth and the 2nd ASEAN +1 (China) Ministering Meeting on Youth will also be held in conjunction with AMMY V. The Ministerial Meetings will bear the theme “Youth: Creating Our Future Together”, and around 300 youths will be involved in the proceedings. Through the meetings, ASEAN + 3 will develop joint action plans to engage youths, maximise their potential and harness their energies in society.
2007 is an exciting year for ASEAN, as it celebrates its 40th Anniversary. AMMY V is one in a series of commemmorative events that Singapore will be organising, as it takes over the chairmanship of ASEAN this year. The celebrations will lead up to the 13th ASEAN Summit to be held in November this year.