As of now, SCDF is still short of manpower?
Why are they not actively taking steps to recruit people like the SPF?
Or they have enough recruitment numbers?
SCDF only take in the best..they dun take in any Tom, Dick & Harry. A good NUS degree with an excellent Co-Curicular activty record is a must. I was shortlisted for SCDF SO appt a couple of years ago & went for interview at khaki Bukit..excerpts below.
A for Interviewer (Panel)
B for interviewee (Myself)
A:Do u know how many SO candidates we received each year?
B: Must be many.
A: Is enough to replace all the SO officer in SCDF.
A: Everytime we receive so many applications, tell me how do you stand among them?
B: I believe I am above average that's why I am shortlisted.
A: So do u think we should take someone in who is just above average?
A: Tell us why u think SCDF is a career for you?
B: I believe in leadeship opportunities...blah blah.
A: Many fresh graduates are like you can talk very well but I assure u will quit within 3 years.
A: So how is your communication skill?
B: I studied Law and worked ith a diveresed group before..blah blah
A: So u think is good? I can assure u will sink....
Honestly, I find the interview unprofessional and is more of a wacking session rather than proper interview. Could be the interviewer has a bad day or face a rough candidate before myself. Not surpising, I did not clear the panel..but is a good experience to know.