why i can't find this news around? any1 know this case ah? mind to share?
Originally posted by MohamedF: at sgForum :http://www.sgforums.com/?action=thread_display&thread_id=246755
Sorry I don't have an English site... I can't find any...
To summarize, 3 NS recruit, 19 years old, in Civil Defense were sexually abused by their officers. They were tied and blind folded, stripped before being punched, kicked, shaved and have batteries stuck up their ass. All done in the locker room.
The officers were arrested and an investigation was held. This happened 2-3 day into the recruit's service. The assault was said to be an initiation.
The recruits were hesitant to make a police report as they were threatened but one of the recruit's mother saw bruises, found out what happened and filed a police report.
I can't believe it... This sound like something the U.S would do, not Singapore...
even malaysian forum got this news.... http://forum.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=275329