Hi pokish, any updates? I also been waiting for 3 mths pls, but still no news.
Not so fast one I think. My friend waited for 6 mths.
Hi patience, have u submitted the remaining document to them? I just received a call from them today and was informed to submit my bank account book.
I see ok. Than pokish ur application still under processing? U mean ur friend waited fpr 3 weeks was rejected after medical check up?
Pokish - Just a question, did your friend received her rejection by email or post? I called them too and my application is still under process.
Tmhobenjamin - Did they mention where and when to submit your bank book? any info on your bond signing?
Nope they did not metioned when is the bond signing. They only informed me to submir my bank acc book and working cos.
Yes exactly! Really wanna know the outcome of my application soon. Hopefully they will get back to us by july (:
Hi, they yesterday called me up and notified me of sumitting my cpf contribution for the past 3 yrs.
Hi pokis urs quite fast. Did they ask u to send the remaning documents to them? And when ur enlisment date?
Congratd to u pokish. I been waiting since 21st march, till last week they ask me to submit my bank book and cpf contribution.
" This is to inform you that you are required to undergo a chest X-ray and medical examination to ascertain your fitness for the position you have applied for."
no wonder take so long, why need another medical? I thought I did an X-ray already, did medical etc also :( abit regret say got childhood asthma which was very very mild! Now the delay...
anybody like me?
Shermin since when u went for ur 1st medical checked up? I went for my medical on 21st march 13, till last week I was notified to send all the remaiimg document. Did they asked u to email them the rest of the documents?