I am 30 year old and has pass degree only. I have previously applied for SPF when i was 28 but was rejected after the 1st stage of physical assessment. I have tried re-applying last year and was not shortlisted.
I have emailed the officer. They said the reasons why i am not shortlisted is confidential and i can tried a few months later.
There are many reasons why i am not shortlised. Perhaps due to my BMI. I have tried losing some weight over the past few months.
I want to ask what are my chances of serving the SPF due to my age and only pass degree?
I am concerned due to the current economic climate and i may have to quit my current job as a contract teacher in order to apply SPF. I can't go for whole day assessment as i can't apply leaves during normal school day. Losing a job without securing another one seems risky.
I have to be very honest with you.
As a degree holder, they can only consider you for Senior Officer (ie. upon completion of training, to be commissioned as an Inspector). As inspectors hold a rank that commands public and subordinates' respect, they require them to have reasonable good demenaour (presentation), strong physical + academic ability.
Therefore if one is unfit in any way, there's no way they will take in the person and hope they will shape up and become fit. The police force is not a free gym.
In short, to be a senior officer - one must be both physically fit, have a sharp mind, reasonable qualifications from a recognised institution, ability to speak and command well.
Your current job/work experience also makes it unconvincing that you're qualified to lead people....plus an attitude of seeking a secure job makes it all the more unconvincing that you're suitable to be a leader. If you can't even succeed in the marketplace, its not believable that you can take the stress or have the ability to lead men and women. They are not going to give someone an Inspector rank, who can only tell their subordinates 'oh...I was a contract teacher, looking for a safe job', its not going to inspire confidence that the inspector knows what to do.
There may be other reasons for them rejecting you, obviously it will be confidential as they don't want people to find a way to trick the system into accepting them.
I do not mean to discourage you, but you probably need to figure out how to succeed and build a career, rather than thinking its the economic climate. There're plenty of jobs out there....whether you succeed or not depends on your attitude.