hi guys, was just wondering, what leather black shoes do you guys rate as the best shoe to wear in division, in terms of comfort, and doesnt hinder your work to do stuff like chase suspects, or using force to arrest them(kicks i mean)...and where do i buy or get them?
i know they recommend some zipper boots thingie, but what do u guys think is the best boots for everyday patrol usage. the hush puppies kinda sucks.
btw tiggerific, i'm POC-ing in one more monthhh woohoo!
be patient my friend. PLB is reviewing matterhorn boots to be issued to division men soon.
To VJunkie: I see... do PM me about your posting results mate.
And yes, the Hush Puppies do suck. Actually they are good lah. Just that... they are best for those in the office. Says a lot about how things get planned, doesn't it? Haha.