Originally posted by Deunamist:
I personally find it funny that though the minimum age to enter the VSC is 18, males have to complete NS obligations before being allowed to join. I am assuming this is to allow the males to develop themselves physically before taking up duties as a VSC officer.
Wouldn't it be funny to restrict an 18-yo male from joining the VSC just because he hasn't served NS but allow a female, without any need to fulfill NS obligations, to join the VSC at 18? It sounds as if they are implying 18-yo males cannot do the job as a VSC officer as well an 18-yo female.
Maybe they should extend the female age limit to 21 instead. I am not trying to sound sexist here but it is definitely a fact that most females at 18 aren't really that physically sound yet. Very few of them look as if they could actually take on a suspect in unarmed combat, regardless of gender.
The reason for males to complete NS first is that they do not want to interfere with your NS Liability... Imagine when you are serving NS than they ask you to book in and out during weeknights... It causes lotz of interference thus this could be the reason why.
If lets say they put the age limit for females at 21 and guys at 18..... This wont be gender equality right?
Anyway this is a voluntarily service after all! =D