Hi I am new to the forums, good day to all.
I have a question: If i have an MC of more than one month and I submit to the camp MO, who then puts it up for Medical Board, can I consume the MC while the Medical Board is pending? (The MO chop-stamped the MC already) Or do I have to continue as per normal until the outcome has been decided?
I have been looking at the medical-related FAQs and am unable to find out info about our rights regarding MCs.
Thanks in advance for answering!
anything more than 28 days will need medical board to endorse. If you are still on MC during this period of cos u can consume it or else how to hit 28 days? Anyway it's totally depending on your injury/illness in some cases, where u can go more than 28 days, some MOs will allow until u got no more MC before putting your case up for medical board.
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:Thanks for replying! What i meant was…the 28 days is already up and still no news from the medical board…so im not sure what i should do.
Well once your MCs is up, u need to report to your camp. Perhaps u can call medical centre and ask. Btw it's normal for medical board to wait at least 1 month.
Luck smiles upon you.
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:Hmm but my mc is not up…ok i suppose i was being very vague so its my fault
the full situation is like this:
public hospital (CGH) gave me a 3 month mc for a leg injury, then i went to camp, submit MC to MO, MO chop stamp and sign and said i can go, and this will be submitted to medical board for endorsement. I passed my MC (chopped and signed by MO) to my chief clerk, who also said i could go.
However, 1 month has passed and no news, nobody called me or anything. I have tried to check and found the medical board has not yet endorsed my mc yet.
Do i have to report to camp until the medical board endorse my mc? Or can i continue to consume my mc until they come to a decision?
Sorry for the trouble! I’m a noob here
You can continue with your MC unless your unit call u back, but they seldom do, unless you are MCs king. But even that they do, they need to seek MO approval. You want to know MC endorsed, call chief clerk up, they are suppose to update you.
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:thanks again tarutaru, well my chief clerk is super slack and inefficient so in a warped way i suppose that is a good thing for me
On a side note, in the event mc rejected by medical board, does unit/MO have the power to account for the extra days that im not in camp by “forcing” me to apply for annual leave for the “overconsumed mc”? I’m assuming it wouldn’t be right for them to charge me AWOL in such a scenario.
Once again sorry for all the trouble, its my first time with a long mc and I’m the blur type tbh.
So far, I had not seen medical board did not endorse the MC especially if you are on a injury. The worse i thought they can do is to deduct from your leave. As for AWOL, I don't think they can do that especially the MO said he's putting you on board. No worry, just ask your leave clerk to check lor.
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:okay, thanks so much for your time. Oh they have powers to deduct from my leave? In the unlikely scenario that that happens, can I appeal the decision or call NS hotline to complain? Because i thought leave is a right and nobody can touch it.
Well think of it this way, u wanna them to deduct your leave or u wanna be charged for AWOL?
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:I understand your point, however what if I don’t have enough leave to cover for the “extra off days” i took? If it’s down to my chief clerk’s inefficiency and failure to inform me immediately when the verdict is out, can i put the blame on him/her instead.
Why do you need to think so much?
You have MC for 3 months, then you just rest at home for 3 months after you have endorsed the MC. Your bosses have been informed. And that is it (full stop!) It is the MO, chief clerk, officer to do what they need to do, why are you so concern about their JD? (I hope you have kept a copy of the MC. That is important on your part).
So when your MC was up. You might have seen a specialist for review at that time. Depending on the situation, you should ask for a downgrade letter or extension of MC. Who knew, you might extend your MC for another 3 months. Then you go to camp and submit the MC.
Actually, if you are on wheel-chair or crutches, you can even ask your parents to submit the MC to your officer directly for you.
You are not the only guy who is injured and on MC in SAF. They are experienced in this, let them handle it.
Originally posted by Glimmervoid:I understand your point, however what if I don’t have enough leave to cover for the “extra off days” i took? If it’s down to my chief clerk’s inefficiency and failure to inform me immediately when the verdict is out, can i put the blame on him/her instead.
I'm sure at the end of the 3 months or near, u should have a medical review with the doctor on your condition? Then the doctor will decide whether to extend your MC or end it. Well in most cases, the medical board will endorse the MC. Anyway now u only 1 month into MC so you still got 2 months to go. Maybe the MO need to see whether will there be a extention of your MC before boarding you.