Hi there,
i have got someone i know,keep sending txt msgs all day long,soon to break apart friendship le.
Recently really dulan with him.Because of him loss of interest,loss of mood at time cannot sleep.
Keep saying things abt SAF i quote a few,I have rewritten
"I earn $2400 every mth doing nthing,while u are still struggling in the workforce"
"I drink free tea and collect free tax payers monies every mth"
"I am not happy I have to listen to superior younger than me"
"As a matter of fact,regular does nothing but leech on NSF"
"My career in SAF surpasses u NSF,i have been to istana."
I really angry already.Where to complain?
Originally posted by factors:Hi there,
i have got someone i know,keep sending txt msgs all day long,soon to break apart friendship le.
Recently really dulan with him.Because of him loss of interest,loss of mood at time cannot sleep.
Keep saying things abt SAF i quote a few,I have rewritten
"I earn $2400 every mth doing nthing,while u are still struggling in the workforce"
"I drink free tea and collect free tax payers monies every mth"
"I am not happy I have to listen to superior younger than me"
"As a matter of fact,regular does nothing but leech on NSF"
"My career in SAF surpasses u NSF,i have been to istana."
I really angry already.Where to complain?
LOL. I understand it gets irriating. But it clearly shown that he is bored in SAF. That is the problem, he is bored and have nothing to do. So he seek recognition for what he is. He may not know that he is actually irritating you. Talk to him. Tell him, "Hello, you are flooding my text message box!"
Sometimes, my friend on ICT also flooded my sms box.Because they are so bored in the bunk. When it gets overwhelming, it is better to tell him.
Originally posted by Delirious_prince:Hi TS, just live and let live. With that kind of attitude, he won’t last long in the SAF. He’ll be getting a lousy ranking year after year and eventually be asked to leave the service.
Hi Prince, hope you can answer my qns as a regular:
Is it true that if assigned to the Istana, your career in the SAF will suck? The reason being that you are doing guard duty and helping out at the presidents' ceremonies, and not advanding professionally like others.
In the first place is it even possible to complain about this regular to the SAF?
Have you attended the warfighter course?
Originally posted by Delirious_prince:Hi alize,
1. The officers ‘helping out at the presidents’ ceremonies’ are the Aide-de-Camps. There are three full-time ADCs and a corps of honorary ADCs (these are drawn from the ranks of SAF, SPF and SCDF officers).
Honorary ADCs have their own posting, but get called in to assist in ceremonies as and when needed. Some are even NSmen.
As for the full-time ADCs, it’s just like any other posting. They would eventually be posted to other postings where they will continue advancing professionally. In fact, a few former ADCs have went on to distinguish themselves in the SAF. They include our former CDFs LG(Ret) Winston Choo and LG(NS) Desmond Kuek.
Those doing ‘guard duty’ are from the Provost Unit, most (if not all) NSF.
2. TS can write in by all means but whether any action would be taken in the end is anyone’s guess.
3. No. Have not attended warfighter course.
Cos I was reading Army News. One MAJ served as an ADC for 8 years and one ME7 (which is a high rank) served for 13 years!
I was asking about warfighter course, for which someone showed me the reading list (quite interesting and can be downloaded by public). One of the essays is critical of the army becoming more and more like the civil service (like when there are such professional ADCs). Another essay or speech talked about some careerist and unpleasant officers doing very well in the SAF because the ranking system does not filter them out effectively. The writer was very angry with such officers but he had no way of "removing" them.
The warfighter course is one of those strange courses. It has a simple reading list and a course description like below, yet it also "includes modules leadership development, physical training, weapon training, navigation and skill-at-arms." Plus there is an obstacle course in it.
Tri-Service Warfighter Course (TSWC)
Tri-Service Warfighter
Course (TSWC) Branch comes under the command of SAS HQ. AFAS administers
and conducts 4 TSWC courses for each work year, with a course capacity
of 78 officers. This course is for SAF Officers only. *WOSPECs can join. COURSE OBJECTIVE COURSE DURATION
To serve as a mid-level integration platform for SAF officers to
appreciate and understand SAF Joint Operations with emphasis on
Operations-Other-Than-War (OOTW).
4 weeks, inclusive of 1 week attachment to the Signal Institute at
Stagmont Camp for the Integrated Knowledge-based Command and Control
(IKC2) Foundation Package.
delete all incoming sai-bombs and tell him to get a life.
Originally posted by Delirious_prince:Heh, Thanks for sharing
I would be attending down the road, though not yet.
Are you a spec or ME and what branch? You are like one of those enthu regulars who know everything, who volunteer for open house to tell people about SAF...
Originally posted by factors:Hi there,
i have got someone i know,keep sending txt msgs all day long,soon to break apart friendship le.
Recently really dulan with him.Because of him loss of interest,loss of mood at time cannot sleep.
Keep saying things abt SAF i quote a few,I have rewritten
"I earn $2400 every mth doing nthing,while u are still struggling in the workforce"
"I drink free tea and collect free tax payers monies every mth"
"I am not happy I have to listen to superior younger than me"
"As a matter of fact,regular does nothing but leech on NSF"
"My career in SAF surpasses u NSF,i have been to istana."
I really angry already.Where to complain?
Tell him to kum lanjiao! and F**** OFF!
Hi alize, I'm an ME from Army.
istana eberitime got open house one.
u knw rite?
Originally posted by factors:Hi there,
i have got someone i know,keep sending txt msgs all day long,soon to break apart friendship le.
Recently really dulan with him.Because of him loss of interest,loss of mood at time cannot sleep.
Keep saying things abt SAF i quote a few,I have rewritten
"I earn $2400 every mth doing nthing,while u are still struggling in the workforce"
"I drink free tea and collect free tax payers monies every mth"
"I am not happy I have to listen to superior younger than me"
"As a matter of fact,regular does nothing but leech on NSF"
"My career in SAF surpasses u NSF,i have been to istana."
I really angry already.Where to complain?
Sounds very childish of him leh....haha. Why bother? Relax la....you've got your life to lead.
Change yr mobile number and everything will be solve ya.