Hi everyone,Im enlisting this coming May and mo give me tempo pesc9 status for 6months due to heart problem..I know pesc9 go in very relax,but 1 side of me very happy that I tio pesC but another side of me scare that I will become veri fat....Anyone got any experience?I mean will there be people in pesC9 that want to excerise at night?I dont want to run alone then my bunkmate laugh at me leh:// I know I cannot get muscular or super fit but I think at least must maintain my weight...Can I ask whats the activity like everyday?Issit really just lecture and lecture?
I see some of my friends in Pes C9 go in few weeks got big tummy already....Now i very scare..anyone got any advice? I also heard from my friends that you cant run,the instructor only tell you walk..and at night your sergeant wont allow you to OTOT go excerise...is that true also??Sian siaz I really scare I gain alot of weight zzzz
My friend from Pes Bp just pop on April,he tell me his batch alot go driver...I think my vocation now left with medic,storemen and Clark...Is that right??I doubt I got any chance into driver ba since the last batch so many tio already...What will we be doing in Sembawang camp? Thanks for the help:)....
Your commanders will expect you to move quickly; faster than walking or jogging speed (but you're not supposed to run). They do not allow unsupervised exercise because they are responsible for you having all limbs intact.
Just sit through the vocational training phase and hope you get posted to a decent unit afterwards.
So if my condition not serious they also wont allow me to excerise at night??siao liao la lidat sure fat...