Hi, I got some questions regarding the clothes during bmt:
1) should we label our own clothes with perm black marker? if yes, where to write on clothes/pants?
2) is it ok to use those sprays like Febreeze to clean our clothes for the 2wk confinement? or just spend time washing them?
also, is it a must to bring alarm clock? can we use digital watch with alarm clock fn?
1) I never label my clothes at all cause i think no one will steal. Maybe pants yes.
2) Should be able to
3) Is it compulsory? Your platoon mate's alarm clock can wake you up anyway. haha.
You haven't experienced sun there. Hang it outside for a day, it'll be fresh as new.
1) write on the white label on the shirt pants. Write your 4d number there. You will know whats 4d number when u go into bmt
2) Yes. Washing is not recommended unless u cant stand dirty clothes. Bring 14 pairs of underwear. One for each day will do.
You can bring alarm clock. Well your bunk mates will be so noisy during the morning that you will wake up without alarm clock anyway