I have a friends who graduated with a first class honours from australia. BTW, he took an LSA award to go for his studies. What rank do u think he will hit when he retire at 50? a half Col or greater??
most likely LTC, but if he's very good maybe Col.
that's the fate of farmer officer who utilised LSA instead of SAFOS.
Well, theres is a limited slots for COL positions.In addition, the retirement age for officers was recenlty raies to 50 making it even more difficult to attain the rank. But well, a least the pay is decent for a Half Col, maybe 12- 15K ?
<<But well, a least the pay is decent for a Half Col, maybe 12- 15K ?>>
wow...that's freaking high for a 'salary'
Do you all earn that amount in pte sector?
private sector is around the same, or not even higher, i seen a director earning 20k