I was wondering if you could apply for Basic Airborne Course if your vocation are supply assistant?
I find a course application for Basic Airborne course,so i was really interested in applying for it.
Anyone have any idea,or should i address this interest to my superiors?
storeman become a rambo??dont storeman come with broken arms n legs?unless you sign on as a airborne trooper then its possible.if ya some kinda storeman in ns....no way.
kinda like a medic or driver asking to be a medical officer kinda situation.sure u can do it but not in present post.
Unfortunately, the army is not a hobby club.
Badges are not for fun, but it means you're operationally-capable of performing a certain skill/task.
The most basic/beginner badge in the SAF is the basic airborne badge - the starter of every other kind of airborne.
It requires you to be Pes A/B and fuflil these criterias:
- a NSF/Regular Commando
- a regular commissioned officer of either CPT or becoming CPT soon
- a regular specialist, SSG and above going for JWOC (Joint Warrant Officer Course) soon
Above are rank according to priorities to take part in the Basic Airborne course.
It costs the SAF operational time, training time and money to train/fly you.There's also an element of safety hazard and risks.
Sorry, given your vocation, you'll never qualify and the SAF will not invest their time/effort/safety risks to let you go through this, just for interest but have no operational use for your vocation.
And NO, you cannot wear the SAF airborne badge even if you're certified outside. Cause you aren't capable and will never be required to jump into a battlefield day or night with combat gear.