Original Topic Title (before topic was moved and renamed): Male Gender-Inequality and The Current Sexist NS Conscription Law
Gender equality should apply for both genders and not only on women.
Do you think it is fair for only male-persons to be forced into grossly underpaid service (+ lots of weekends burns, sometimes psychology trauma, + having to go back for reservice every year, with all the related restrictions, i.e. have to cut hair short, no dying of hair, etc), and impact on work (especially researchers and people who's income depends on commission, etc), while all females are spared?
I had to serve 2.5 year. Hence that makes a total of 3 years wasted (considering the waiting period for my transistion into NS, and then into Uni). While females would have the opportunity to get ahead with their careers due to this sexist policy.
Staying in the kitchen, and become a housewife is no longer a gender role requirement for females in the modern age. This is a great thing. So why should backward silly machismo sexist gender roles for males still apply? Why are male-persons still expected to be strong and brave to expend their lifes in the frontlines and haven a significant 2.5 + reservice years of their lifes taken away, when we no longer live in a savage and babaric world?
Not all males are necessarily stronger or fitter than females even though it might be a majority. Even Pes Cs or Es still have to serve while Pes A and B females have a choice.
I see 2.5 years of NS dint make you into a man
Tell that to the rest of the world.
Everyone keep arming themselves, how the hell do we disarm ourselves?
Precisely because it is macho motivated, and macho men (like the above posters) are terrified at the thought of being called sissies, therefore there are not enough men to protest. (And women... Just how many of them do you think will fight to do as much as the men do? Women are not so stupid. They will only fight for rights that benefit them, not for rights that will cause them to lose out on something.)
Dear Singaporean men, please stop acting macho, be SMART and fight for your rights. Only idiots willingly throw their rights away thinking that it shows manliness. I think, more than manliness, it shows STUPIDITY.
It might happen when our govt goes thru a total revamp, which is like never?
NS should be reduced.
We are the few states in the world with 2 years conscription.
Originally posted by TTFU:
I see 2.5 years of NS dint make you into a man
NS does not turn people into men.
Females do not become men in the military.
I am a man regardless of NS.
What NS tend to do to people is that it turns many of them into Arseholes, like you. ;)
we shall see about that when a freak election result occurs okay?
Even if we do not reduce ns, we should at least give them a salary instead of a allowance.
Just cut the salaries of our ministers and use the money to pay a salary to our NSF
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:NS should be reduced.
We are the few states in the world with 2 years conscription.
IMO, NS should be reduced.
People who have already served the 2.5 years or more should be compensated accordingly.
Those who serve should pay less tax and get fairer compensation while on reservice, while those who don't have to serve NS should pay more to compensate.
Females should serve too to make up for the reduced service by male-persons.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:NS should be reduced.
We are the few states in the world with 2 years conscription.
i agree...we no israel...
isreal is isreal
singapore is singapore
isreal needs two year plus reservist because, they are surrounded by enemy states.
Singapore has no enemies..
singapore always has malaysia to the north...
but ya 2 years is a bit long.
but you cant have female soldiers because rape is always a spoil of war
NS for such long period combined with 10 years reservist is also a form of social control.
the purpose of ns to protect the country from invasion, and it has failed utterly, all thanks to our government opening up the floodgates for foreigners to invade.
out of a population of 5million, 45% are foreigners(PRs and work permit), not including newly converted citizens.
in WW2, all it took was 20,000 japs to invade and occupy singapore.
today, we have more than 2,000,000 foreigners on this tiny island, 100X the jap invasion force in 1942. and by that definition, singapore should now be considered an occupied state. thus, so why bother to have NS?
That is why in order to protect the integrity of our country, PAP rule must end.
This is what happens when the guy ruling the state actually fears the majority population and is forever seeking ways to suppress their morale.
After watching national parade, I feel that this state is still worth fighting for, that is why PAP must be destroyed as the ruling regime.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:That is why in order to protect the integrity of our country, PAP rule must end.
This is what happens when the guy ruling the state actually fears the majority population and is forever seeking ways to suppress their morale.
After watching national parade, I feel that this state is still worth fighting for, that is why PAP must be destroyed as the ruling regime.
there is always a purpose why the 5-yearly mobile column is in existance...
Originally posted by x4dish:but you cant have female soldiers because rape is always a spoil of war
Sorry but this to me is a not a valid argument against gender equality.
It is silly IMO to assume that all females will automatically get raped, and also that THAT somehow justify every female not to sacrifice the best part of their life to NS. Further men could too suffer insane torture and death during war. In a real war, everyone's a casualty regardless of gender.
Immigrants who did not serve should too pay NS-compensation tax, to compensate people who had already sacrificed a significant part of their youth to NS. Especially those who had already sacrifice more (2.5-3yrs) to NS and got treated a lot worse than what it is now.
Originally posted by deathmaster:the purpose of ns to protect the country from invasion, and it has failed utterly, all thanks to our government opening up the floodgates for foreigners to invade.
out of a population of 5million, 45% are foreigners(PRs and work permit), not including newly converted citizens.
in WW2, all it took was 20,000 japs to invade and occupy singapore.
today, we have more than 2,000,000 foreigners on this tiny island, 100X the jap invasion force in 1942. and by that definition, singapore should now be considered an occupied state. thus, so why bother to have NS?
it's 36k japanese troops btw...check my above link..
So guys get to go thru PMS and Pregancy too???
Seriously, letting girls doing NS for me seems unfair though, atleast for me though.
Those 'man' who claim can protect their girls, can try though, You know what I'm hinting at.
I, just like you served 2.5 years too. Back in my time, if you were LCP and below, you only need serve 2 years. So everyone kind of prayed they didn't get a promotion to CPL and above.
The only things I would hope for now to replace the existing system is a bigger incentive cut from income tax, and preferably, no more annual IPPT. I enjoy reservist in camp training very much although it is physically tough on my ageing body, but its a really good break from work life. The best part about it is you get to work with a bunch of people on the same frequency as you, to get things done good and fast.
You know, this is like forum thread no. 234,334,823 on this issue.....
You must understand its a monthly quota thing.
Forget about it...
They don't even have the balls to amend something as outdated as the Women's Charter, you want to them to get girls to do NS??
Yeah... Pigs can fly.