Which are the states with 2 years or more of conscription?
Sweden, Israel, South Korea. Dunno abt countries like Germany or Greece.
Taiwan/ ROC no more le left 6 mths macham BMT.
The Republic of Korea main tains a strict conscription regi me. Registration for conscrip tion is automatic for men in the year they turn 18, followed by medical examination when they are 19. The duty to enlist in the Armed Forces lasts until the age of 31, but in case of draft evaders until 36.
Military service lasts two years. How ever, large parts of conscripts (almost 200_000 out of 300000-350000 conscripts annually) per form most of their service in public administra tions or else where, and only per form four weeks of basic mi li tary training. For those, milit ary service lasts 26 months. Which kind of service has to be performed depends on the me di cal examination, and the needs of the military.
After discharge from servi ce, con scripts are obliged to serve appro xi mately 160 hours of military training over a period of eight years.
Of a total of 680000 sol diers in the Korean military, about 75% are con scripts. Commissioned and non-commis sioned officers are pro fessional soldiers and account for the re maining 25%. Accor ding to the "Defence Re form Plan 2020", South Korea aims to increase the number of pro fessional soldiers to 40% by 2020.
Conscientious objection is not recognised, and annually about 600 conscientious objec tors receive prison sentences of 18 months. The great majo rity of conscientious objectors are Jehovah's Witnesses, but since 2001 the number of non-religios conscientious objectors has increased. 
Since 1939, more than 15000 conscientious objectors served prison sentences for their refusal to perform military service.
As of 2008, Greece (Hellenic Republic) has mandatory military service (conscription) of 9 months for men between the ages of 18 and 45.
Each state would decide what their requirements are and provide for it accordingly.
You confirm 2011 mah?
NS two years is far too long. It should be shortened.
girls should also serve NS :x
I suggest shortening ICT cycle.
Reservist until 40 years just doesnt make sense. Cap it at 30 years bah.
2 years is way too long. Maybe 1.5 years or less.
Hire FTs to do it. I went to China that day and what I heard was that in China, many men and women's dream job is actually to become a soldier. Cos it pays well. Probably PRCs will enjoy more and be more patriotic serving in the army. =)
Originally posted by jojo_sinclair:After that, 2nd year onwards, Very Switch Off lah!!!
They need a certain number of active troops to mobilise in case of war, that is why NS so long, up to two years.
But NS 2 years is really too long.
This fucking PAP, comes to Singaporeans they will be strict, come to aliens they will pamper.
Originally posted by Rooney9:girls should also serve NS :x
True. A lot of girls are PES A. A lot of guys are PES C. LOL...
Germany, etc only serve 1 year
Germany shortens conscription from nine to six months
Personally I think, our population is too little to cut the conscription time. Unless we had a population of Germany something like 13m ?
Originally posted by jojo_sinclair:
Dont’ waste another year! Girls would get head start in working life already by graduating earlier from university by 2 years! u have to work under them! girls go into university earlier & come out earlier to work mah!
this could be one of reasons why female grads delay marriage.
Originally posted by Vote PAP OUT to Save SG:NS two years is far too long. It should be shortened.
Yes, reduce it to 1 year.
And increase the reservists.
Nobody want to do ns for 2 yrs. It is too long.
1 year will do.
Anyway, who will listen to this idea?
Mindef sure closed both ears.
Originally posted by likeyou:
Anyway, who will listen to this idea?
Mindef sure closed both ears.
spot on
plently of people had already mention/propose this
but so far nothing had been done