Not sure if boots have changed that much but after field camp, my boots look quite bad and not to mention 2 attempts at trying to use the lighter to kiwi boots has damaged it abit.
Anyone knows how to take care of boots?
waa...use lighter ar?...U only need to do that for very old school boots leh...
anyway...I once had a pair of boots...I used the lighter method and the leather became hard and sunk in a bit(crack)...I can feel the hardness when I walk...not sure if ur damage is the same as mine...but I still suggest to U to throw it away and get a new one from eMart or somewhere...
Nowadays boots only need to be and brush only....
if U want to spend a bit more effort...polish with water for the parade need lighter method lar....dangerous and waste of effort.
Problems with bad boots is due to the system that till now are largely tendered by traders. I hear from this year, there are some serious American boots companies that make boots OEM for 19 other brands are coming into the picture with new specs and ultra lightweight outsoles and some oil slicks anti skidding features along with a pressure sensitive sole which purges water outwards after river crossing.....
All that is in the wish list....ultra light, energy return system, water purging, ankle support.....
Company coming in.....former owners and founders of Magnum boots, now called ORIGINAL SWAT....used by many countries' armies and have a lot on Canadian feet running around in Afghanistan in sand, mud and snow.
Guess i wont throw away my boots, im not using it to chiong sua anyways.... but thanks for the tips, my parade boots wont suffer!