Is it sexist to expect only males to lose their freedom to serve national service for 2 and half years for the better part of their live, when girls (some might even be fitter than some guys) are allowed to start their career sooner? There are also things which girls can contribute to National "Service" too. Women DO NOT "just belong in the kitchen" anymore, or are expected to only wear skirt, etc; so why shouldn't they serve NS too during the prime of their lives? Gender "equality" only applies to females in today's society it seems.
And its not just the 2+ years, but the "waiting-period between entering NS" is wasted + the discontinuation of using the brain during that period (other than to avoid punishment and survive the many low-lifes that you'll encounter)? And to note, I didn't mind the tough training at all. Its more to do with the unreasonable duration, the dark-politics within it (i.e. absolute power (rank) corrupts absolutely kinda thing) and the kind of "humans" I have to endure, and my the fact that my band ended because of it (as did many other bands).
As a matter of fact, some girls can actually be fitter than certain guys too, and I don't see a problem with conscripting them into the harsher military service. And there are guys who are naturally weak (nothing wrong with that) and they are still expected to serve NS.
Also should immigrants who do not serve NS pay higher tax to compensate those who do -- especially those who had already served more than 2 years?
Furthermore, some employers might subtly favour immigrants who do not have to do reservice rather than locals who have to. I know I would! ;) And its not the employer's fault if they do, but the policy makers'.
Yes. Hell to NS, it should be abolished.
If it is abolished, it'll be unfair to those who have already served w/o a proper compensation for all the time lost in the prime of their lives (i.e. 18-22 years old).
Especially to those who have already served more than two years before the duration was cut when a minister's son was about to enter.
aiyah ccb one la, all who live here shld go ns, if too old for ns when get permit or pr also must go reservist. its fucking not fair
it should not be abolished for security reasons - the history of Force 136 will explain why and it is too long to discuss here.
BUT it should be compensated with much greater benefits than women who did not do a single good thing for Singapore except shopping till drop dead...
Becos the liability of NS is UNLIMITED - no insurance would cover u on that...and there are increasing reports of NS young men found dead during training...if women feel we r into holiday shallow they are (better ask them to die for shopping)...reservists could even die due to over much is the compensation? those dead for NS...what happen to their family who needs them? women dun even know that their family were paid peanuts for their sons or even their ONLY SON'S death.....aside to a grand patriotic burial with the next higher rank given upon death....
those tax benefits are pithy peanuts and only if u join govt sector will you be able to get that 1 or 2 hundred more...what is women complaining abt??
It is definitely discriminatory when women are not called for NS on mandatory terms ...those women who joined SAF are not soldiers but just like applying for any other job...most of them are in air con admin office with downgraders PES E.....
its ok if women dun have the physique....but i suggest women be put to serve 2 or 3 years CIVIL SERVICE with hospitals or old folks home etc. at same pay as NS men....FREE TAMPONS (CHINA BRAND) will be the one of the benefits...i believe if this happens...women AWOL will be high....
Serve 2 years NSF is ok but reservist is a joke.
One year come back once. U expect them to act like professional soldier?
Its a waste of time. Even Taiwan don't have such thing call reservist.
Women are simply gaining the respect they do not deserve, this stupid society singapore has is of no equality.
Originally posted by zenden9:Serve 2 years NSF is ok but reservist is a joke.
One year come back once. U expect them to act like professional soldier?
Its a waste of time. Even Taiwan don't have such thing call reservist.
ya lor...tell me which other country other than singapore have reservist one? sg spoil market...
This is, like.... the 257,576th thread on this?
Girls are fierce than example are when girls hit the boys back, it sound a "pak!" and it was loud. So I think NS is good for girls :D
lata when they hold gun in war friendy fire how ....
I think women these days are more fierce than men.
Can see a few examples already,
Like the PRC woman who hijacked the bus.
The PRC man was also on the bus together with the Singapore man. Where are they???
In Singapore,
We have
Singapore auntie who beat up a man in a lift and the security guard who protected the man.
Singapore auntie who fought with a PRC auntie on the bus.
Singapore auntie shows backside and shouts louder than hubby.
I think women are more fit these days. LOL.. Seriously.
And this is how guys fight in Singapore
Wan fight, but action only. No fight.
How malaysians fight in Malaysia
Originally posted by kengkia:ya lor...tell me which other country other than singapore have reservist one? sg spoil market...
Erm...Israel, Switzerland, Serbia, Germany, USA...
Originally posted by RoyFang:Erm...Israel, Switzerland, Serbia, Germany, USA...
Sure bo.. so many... USA sure or not? Thought its a free country with no conscription?
Originally posted by RoyFang:Erm...Israel, Switzerland, Serbia, Germany, USA...
yes,,they may have reservist BUT got until ten year cycle anot? even in length of reservist singapore also beat them hands down...sad for us guys..
yes call me a wuss for crying over this, or else i wun nick-named myself kengkia in the first place..
to think of it...DPRK can be another contender for length of conscription period as well as reservist period , for they have the fifth largest standing army in the world.
NS is a waste of time and youth. Been through it, my only regret is why i didn't keng enough and i will hate myself forever for that.
Originally posted by fudgester:This is, like.... the 257,576th thread on this?
Its worth bringing up again until things have change.
i.e. either those who have went through are fairly compensated (i.e. more tax for those who didn't serve and reduced tax for those who did), or females and immigrates be made to serve NS too.
R..O...D liao!!!!
Where got time~~~
come on! tell me which country has longer reservist cycle than SG(minus DPRK)?
Not only that, but the compensation isn't proper.
People who doesn't serve NS (foreigner, females) should be taxed more to compensate those who do.