Gonna settle down for RSAF, dunno whether to choose Aircrew Spec, or other vocation.
but anyway, like to ask, if performance not good, contract won't get renew, is it???
if true, what's the point after they end contract when we want in?
I also noted a few officer post from the recuitment website (UAV etc...), are they OCS standard?
Originally posted by lincolnz:Gonna settle down for RSAF, dunno whether to choose Aircrew Spec, or other vocation.
but anyway, like to ask, if performance not good, contract won't get renew, is it???
if true, what's the point after they end contract when we want in?
Hi lincolnz,
I believe you are referring to the old PP1, PP2 scheme. Only regulars who are deemed to have performed well enough will be allowed to sign the PP2 contract after ten years of service. It was already abolished recently.
Originally posted by lincolnz:I also noted a few officer post from the recuitment website (UAV etc...), are they OCS standard?
Hi lincolnz,
Perhaps you will like to kindly rephrase your question?
its ok, many people want to leave, u will confirm get to stay if u want to
great!!!!! if I get to stay. cos, wanna settle down there permantely
(seriously, if they boot me out, what's the point of joining, or sign on???)
through of RSAF, but still can't decide which vocation yet.
(can't sign on army, my sarge already set the standard, and of course, I can't swim...)
by the way, is the air force same as army? (batch or batch) or we got separate from the BMT group, and join to a small team whereby I'm the newcomer to the team???
u go through bmt, then posted to airforce school.
the same BMT as the army?? cos my IPPT will be a problem [sigh...]
and have to stay in till saturday or 8-to-5?
Originally posted by lincolnz:the same BMT as the army?? cos my IPPT will be a problem [sigh...]
and have to stay in till saturday or 8-to-5?
Hi lincolnz,
Basic Military Training for Air Force is at Pulau Tekong as well. You will have to stay in.
Originally posted by lincolnz:the same BMT as the army?? cos my IPPT will be a problem [sigh...]
and have to stay in till saturday or 8-to-5?
Hi lincolnz,
Why u want to sign on Air Force?
still got that military interest, yes. but different field this time. (got a bit no confident on the new weapon) maybe used M113 and GPMG for too long already
not going back to my NS unit, you know, NSF is hard to guide and lead.
Navy? I can't swim....
but why? singapore so many camp, why tekong?????????????? they can put at pasir laba camp wat.....
if BMT same as army, then I taking it the 2nd time already, wa lau~
any idea how their training in BMT and airforce school goes??? training program something like that goes?
Trueheart, you from air force???
Originally posted by TrueHeart:Hi lincolnz,
I believe you are referring to the old PP1, PP2 scheme. Only regulars who are deemed to have performed well enough will be allowed to sign the PP2 contract after ten years of service. It was already abolished recently.
If its abolished, what is in its place?
wont ba..the most.. u wont get your rank..
hi, if u wanna be a regular please make sure u can pass ur ippt every year, ur performance bonus is at stake.
secondly if u wan sign ACS, u have go thru a few of medical check-up and BSLC then u will go AFTC.
Originally posted by insidestory:If its abolished, what is in its place?
Hi insidestory,
You may wish to have a look at page 5 for more information concerning the change: