Originally posted by teraexa:Trust me, if you are a slacker in NS, your name will stink faster than a piece of bread left in the air for a few days.
Come to think of it, true... name will stink, people will remember.
Singapore very small... I can imagine that if I have to hire someone now and remember that the candidate was a slacker in army, then won't hire liao.
The reputation may live with them forever, unless proven otherwise.
Well, what can i say?
I grow up with everyone telling me success is 99% pespiration and 1% hardwork.
But I guess now is the time when people would open their arms wide and say 'welcome to the real world!'
I don't see what strong bonds or friendship I can gain from giving more at work, or what lost in reputation the others will get.
When I get them to help me at work, they'll just get du lan and may even think I'm just trying to suck up to the superiors, since they don't really see a point in doing so much things.
Originally posted by annoy-you-must:Well, what can i say?
I grow up with everyone telling me success is 99% pespiration and 1% hardwork.
But I guess now is the time when people would open their arms wide and say 'welcome to the real world!'
I don't see what strong bonds or friendship I can gain from giving more at work, or what lost in reputation the others will get.
When I get them to help me at work, they'll just get du lan and may even think I'm just trying to suck up to the superiors, since they don't really see a point in doing so much things.
No one told you to work hard.
But certainly someone told you to work smart.
There's just that thin red line separating these two. Yet, the effects are worlds apart.
Originally posted by annoy-you-must:Well, what can i say?
I grow up with everyone telling me success is 99% pespiration and 1% hardwork.
But I guess now is the time when people would open their arms wide and say 'welcome to the real world!'
I don't see what strong bonds or friendship I can gain from giving more at work, or what lost in reputation the others will get.
When I get them to help me at work, they'll just get du lan and may even think I'm just trying to suck up to the superiors, since they don't really see a point in doing so much things.
Well , adopt their mentalities when you deal with them. Fair and square.
Originally posted by AhChye:Come to think of it, true... name will stink, people will remember.
Singapore very small... I can imagine that if I have to hire someone now and remember that the candidate was a slacker in army, then won't hire liao.
The reputation may live with them forever, unless proven otherwise.
That is only if you hire the guy whom you know from army.
Most bosses will not know the guy they are hiring, and hence even if they slack in army, they can still wayang their way through work while shooting arrows in the office.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:Slacker in NSF doesn't mean slacker in real life. Most people are more suited for white collar jobs, not voluteering could be due to a lack of physical fitness or confidence for doing army activities. Face it, in an office you don't have to remember silly procedures like asking to fall out etc. The person you call a slacker now could be a financial guru in 10 years time.
lack of physical fitness is a tenable reason, but 'lack of confidence for doing army activities' is not. there isn't anything that requires your life and limb. It's just about doing what you have to because you have a sense of responsibility that you honor on the basis of principles, above and beyond the outcome ie ORDing at the same rank of corporal as a slacker.
Originally posted by Forbiddensinner:
That is only if you hire the guy whom you know from army.Most bosses will not know the guy they are hiring, and hence even if they slack in army, they can still wayang their way through work while shooting arrows in the office.
slacking during NS will not affect one's career because say, you happen to go to job interviews only in Saudi Arabia, for instance. i don't think slacking in NS affects one's career performance, but what it really is is an indication of someone's sense of responsibility and character to begin with. It's an indication of who he was even before he entered NS. He probably already had that character when he was in JC or poly. And of course that character stays with him in the workforce.
Originally posted by rebound:well... im not tok abt officer ranks... anyway i think the old ways for selecting talent by just their education isn't enuff.
ur a scholar doesnt means ur gd in everything.( happen to know a scholar who is a gd fren of my and also in gov sector ... his from nus...the only thing i can see his gd at is tok and thats all tok and tok and tok...)
wake up sunshine. Anyone who has a sponsorship to study in any local university such as NUS, NTU or SMU is not considered a scholar in the civil service, armed forces or company.
In the SAF, only SAFOS scholars are considered and recognised as scholars. This is a fact verified and uttered about in high places repeatedly by generals (BGs) and service chiefs (COA, CAF, CNV) and perm secs. I heard it from them with my ears repeatedly and it's also common knowledge among the PSC scholars.
Originally posted by charlize:
That's why they are rotated to different departments or ministries every now and then.
You think they rotate for fun?
You should back up your statements before you spout them. Everything
is traceable on the internet. Watch how something that seems harmless
comes up one day and bites you on the arse. it sounds like you haven't served a single day of NS
Originally posted by annoy-you-must:I used to think those who refuses to put in much hardwork during their NSF period are the ones who'll have much to loose. With such attitude in life, they can hardly survive in the real world.
Or so I thought.
Recently, it seems to become more apparent to me that those who are more hardworking and willing to put in more effort in the things they do are actually the ones who are more stupid.
Take for example, in order for the battalion or the company to do well, key appointments and responsibility are inevitably given to those who are more willing to work and deemed as more capable. Meanwhile, those slackers will just be tasked to help out the others (which they'll still try to siam as much as possible), being free of much responsibilities.
Whenever something goes wrong, these appointment holders will naturally be blamed for it, since they are the ones who is taking up the responsibilities. This is despite all the hardwork they've put in their job. Meanwhile, those slackers need not accept any blame since they have not done nothing, since they've done nothing in the first place!
What's worse is that at the end of the day, everyone will still ORD as Coporals together and receive the same pay throughout. No extra rewards for those who gave in more, nothing taken from those who try to siam as much work as possible.
I know, as soldiers, we should be contributing without expectations of rewards in the first place. But to 'punish' those who are willing to work by giving them heavier responsibilities and more work while 'rewarding' the lazy by tasking them with easier works...something is wrong here isn't it?
20-years-old NSFs aren't saint. How would you feel if you've been doing so much thing in one day only to realise someone else had been enjoying a much slacker day? How would you feel if you've been doing so much things and yet still blamed for some mistakes, while the one who've been doing nothing gets to escape it all?
To take things in one's stride...surely there's a limit to it? How much longer can I go on like that?
Perhaps I'm just being bias thinking that those slackers are actually...well, as slack as I thought. Perhaps I'm just exegerating the situation. I don't know. But what I do know is that I've come to find it so stupid to do so much anymore.
that's exactly what i went through.
Originally posted by rebound:TS i strongly agree with you. i have frens who are regular in not just saf but oso spf and scdf.
they are all facing this prob. people who dun work just stay low profile. every 2 years they promote. but those who work very hard they make a mistake and kena condemn or they work hard but oso kena promote on the same year of those slacker.
sad to said sometime working hard alone is nt enought to survive. sometime have to wayang......
this is also the reason why out gov section is oso not efficient cause not all good worker is recognize. those slackers , wayang king and queens end up promoting to higher rank and good workers resign because their work not recognize.
gov section seldom have talent..... due to this culture. most talent would rather stay their own bussinese or go private sector.
There's no way wayang farmers anywhere from armed forces, ministries or anywhere in the public sector get promoted once in 2 yrs. The only people who move up a rank once in 2 yrs in the SAF are scholars.
What is well known as facts since time immemorial by academics (which means professors), the government themselves, its critics and NUS farmer bloggers..is:
The cream of the cohort is creamed off at the top with PSC scholarships overseas to work in the government sector, the rest who are farmers go to the private sector eg teraexa.
The farmers in the public sector (NUS/NTU/SMU graduates in the uniformed services, ministries and stat boards) are no worse or no better performers than the farmers of the private sector. So don't be so quick to flame your compatriots in the public sector.
No one in the public sector (armed forces, ministries, stat boards) with local degrees are considered scholars by the public sector except a very small number of PS of the past.
Originally posted by dumbdumb!:that's exactly what i went through.
Actually it is probably what many of those who don't keng experience.
there's nothing you can do about the people who keng. just don't stoop to their level. the CSM can see who are the slackers and who aren't. now and then drop some hints to him.
those who the boss thinks are the better ones, they will be in heaven from day 1...
those the boss dont really like (non-work reasons), no matter what miracles they do, forever condemned to the basement..
Your experience isn't limited to NSF.
During ATEC, if you are the CO, and planning your mission, which OC would you assign the toughest mission and which OC would you assign the easiest?
Obviously you assign the crappiest OC with the simplest non-mission, and the most capable and intelligent OC with the toughest one. So that you enjoy the highest probability of your own plan and the result of your unit at ATEC becoming a success lah. This is simple logic. It makes sense and it follows through with rationality of the world. And isn't limited to NSF.
Its also the same in the private sector. The boss will give the important jobs to the subordinate that he perceives to have the most liao. of cos the subordinate with the worst ranking and image in the boss's eyes, will get the most boliao jobs and tasks.
So that the boss himself can rest assured. It is called trust. And it is what you are experiencing now. Its not a bad thing. And it speaks volume of your inherent character.