My friend and i were playing on some guy's bed and i tried to took off his pants in the struggle few weeks back.some guy frm other platoon walk pass and reported the matter to our superiors and falsely accused us of delibrately rubbing naked on his bed.I don't know what was his motive.
the guy who tried to sabo us was a really wierd guy,who claim to see ghost,claim to be able to perform black magic and all sort of wierd stuff.He was even investigate by ISD ( internal security department ) for some reasons.( he was frm indonesia java if i nt wrong ).
i question him what he want and why he did tat.he claim tat he did not say anything about us ( me and fren ).He even claim that the guy whose bed tat we played on,wanted us to get charge etc.i question the other guy but he say he had NO idea what had happen.
few days back,while we were doing guard duty,he was smoking leftover ciggs tat ppl threw away.out of good will,i offer him a new stick but he frame me of attempting to bride him the next day.
i'm sure u guys will find all tis stupid and i also tink so.a simple case of mischief become so serious.Heard they gonna bring the case to SIB for lie detector test etc for all the witness .i juz find it funny y they wanna make the issue big but im nt afraid since i didn't do what the other guy claim i did.
my superior seems to believe the other guy and i was questioned like a criminal.i felt unfair because there were so many more serious case tat was covered up and yet my small case was blow up.
i seeks advice frm fellow forumers wad should i fren advice me to call saf hotline or even mindef but i do nt wan to make everything my only hope is tat the mad guy juz stop his nonsense and juz say wad he wan or tat my superior realised how lame tis issue was.
i dunno whether its wrong to post here but i have no one to turn going to ord and im nt prepared to be falsely charged for something i never do.
im tinking whether to engage a lawyer.but is it going to be of any help?
don't bother la.
by calling, you are admitting.
Somehow i don't see why u guys like to play taking off each other pants...
What are you being charged of? That 'act' or for bribery?
As long as you didn't do it, why scared lie detector?
Calling the hotlines are useless. They bring more trouble i would say.
Why would you need a lawyer? You are not even charged yet in military court.
well the playing part was lame,juz having fun wid bunkmates.
we r been threaten to be charge for "lying" if they dun believe we we said.
the "bribery" claim juz add more trouble for me,i feel tat guy juz wanna get me into trouble or maybe extort idea.
i wanna prepare myself 1st juz incase they really wan charge me.i dun feel justified and i feel tat a lawyer could protect me frm my encik who been making stupid comments
This reason i don't think is sufficient to sent you to DB and thus will go through military court and might need a laywer etc. It would at most be SOL, extras etc i think.
1 cig to bribe someone, got so cheap gd le.
As long as you know you aren't wrong, don't need be afraid of the lie detector.
Going to ORD le, don't anyhow play and get yourself in trouble bah.
so wad r the chance of a lie detector been use ?im looking forward to seeing the guy who accused me screwing up during the test and get charged for lying.
Not sure cos i never done anything that stupid to get charged throughout my whole NS life.
Don't bother to fight or give the guy trouble. Wait he give you more trouble instead. Just bear with everything. 1 month more going ORD le right, don't create trouble.
vitasoys, please go through chain of command before you call the saf hotline, i got charged for calling during my bmt, you get what i mean :)
lie detector i went through, its not fun at all let me tell you. they play psychology .. nv nv end up in SIB, its definately nt a pleasant place to visit. i wont elaborate much. ;)
your case is not even worth the dirt in the thumbnail of my little finger...don't worry. SIB is not a scary place, as long as you tell the truth. Trust me, i've been in deeper shit...i mean real deep.
oh =\
u guys care to eleborate more about wad stuff u guys kana b4?i feel wierd y my case of mischief will go up to SIB.while other more serious case were ignored.
if i go to sib,wad rights i have to defend myself?am i wrong to voice out on all the other things tat were turn a blind eye to?
rem smth, dun plan what to say with ur friends.. cuz bros can say like "eh, u going say wad", "wad you do ah".. i promise i wont tell. BUT when u end up inside, some will gonna say.. "i heard frm blahblah wateva wateva".. hope u get wad im trying to say.. yue miao yue hei
not fact anyhow bomb oso become fact
i rem sib telling us " dun worry, nth much" but its not what it seems in the end..
I would say just keep your mouth shut unless you want get into more trouble. Nothing is really fair in this world and theres alot of cover ups in the army. Unless you want to have a very miserable days leading to ORD and maybe more chances to get charge over whatever stupid thing that happen, just keep what you know to yourself.
yea totally agreed with dkcx, when ppl interrogate you no matter frm whre, instead of start shooting all the stuffs out, ASK em, Sir, why not you tell me what you want to know instead and i'll be able to ans you. you stay away more trouble lidat =)
Wow... SIB.. Ok seems like ya have a crazy fellow in ya platoon...
This kind of person i think he is over-stressed due to the army... sometimes you will definitely meet his sorts of people in ya life.. for my case I had a section mate who would bath after all the trainings and soc and then dump his wet socks/singlet right back into his locker... and this fellow even vomitted during 5bx and he lay down on his vomit during the crunches and vomitted while doing push ups.. you meet all sorts of people...
So my advice to you is to have a nice talk with ya section commander or your PC, bring along ya friends the one that you tried taking off his pants, and the one who was with ya.. and any others that are around at that time... go and see ya PC and relate to him what actually is happening....
If everyone knows about that weird guy behavior... then it is going to be fine, because everyone know he is weird and funny... but if everyone trust him then i think you will have to get ready...
But I seriously think that nothing will happen to you unless ya are charged with masturbating
I'm sorry.....I had to hold back lotsa laughter..... can relax lar.
And please!
Don't jeopardize your ORD lar!
Originally posted by vitasoys:My friend and i were playing on some guy's bed and i tried to took off his pants in the struggle few weeks back.some guy frm other platoon walk pass and reported the matter to our superiors and falsely accused us of delibrately rubbing naked on his bed.I don't know what was his motive.
the guy who tried to sabo us was a really wierd guy,who claim to see ghost,claim to be able to perform black magic and all sort of wierd stuff.He was even investigate by ISD ( internal security department ) for some reasons.( he was frm indonesia java if i nt wrong ).
i question him what he want and why he did tat.he claim tat he did not say anything about us ( me and fren ).He even claim that the guy whose bed tat we played on,wanted us to get charge etc.i question the other guy but he say he had NO idea what had happen.
few days back,while we were doing guard duty,he was smoking leftover ciggs tat ppl threw away.out of good will,i offer him a new stick but he frame me of attempting to bride him the next day.
i'm sure u guys will find all tis stupid and i also tink so.a simple case of mischief become so serious.Heard they gonna bring the case to SIB for lie detector test etc for all the witness .i juz find it funny y they wanna make the issue big but im nt afraid since i didn't do what the other guy claim i did.
my superior seems to believe the other guy and i was questioned like a criminal.i felt unfair because there were so many more serious case tat was covered up and yet my small case was blow up.
i seeks advice frm fellow forumers wad should i fren advice me to call saf hotline or even mindef but i do nt wan to make everything my only hope is tat the mad guy juz stop his nonsense and juz say wad he wan or tat my superior realised how lame tis issue was.
i dunno whether its wrong to post here but i have no one to turn going to ord and im nt prepared to be falsely charged for something i never do.
im tinking whether to engage a lawyer.but is it going to be of any help?
Based on what you said, it doesn't seem serious to me. What is the formal charge/grounds for the investigation?
My guess is that your RSM just bluffing you to flex his rank, esp when you (and your batch) is about to ORD. So just stay cool and wait to see if the RSM does bring it up to formal investigation.
If a matter is under investigation, do not disclose the details of the investigation.
And secondly, there is a likelihood that Kilfer is right, and that its just a bluff.
However, in any case, better to go chain of command before you seek external advice.