pls share all your army experience which u have went thru for nsman. Regulars can also post their valuable experience too for the benefits of pre-enlistees like me who is going for enlistment in 2 days time. thanks a lot!
Like many others will tell you:
UNOFFICIAL 8TH CORE VALUE:Do what you want but don't get caught.
Besides that,don't sabo others and wayang in moderation.
NSF to say...2 years like that loh,lol.Sorry,that sentence not really helpful.
All I can say is that don't expect everyone to like you and don't feel bad if they don't.Tolerance is key as you are bound to meet people whom you have differences with. Appreciate the lame joke that your fellow bro may crack once in a while because at the end of the day, you will realize that these are the kind of people who will make your 2 years tolerable.
At the end of the 2 years, you will definitely be glad to FO and never look back but I'm sure deep down inside your heart,you will be thanking the few buddies you had in the camp for making your NS life worthwhile in a certain way.Whether it was a waste of time or not,you will be glad to have met them along the way.
I didn't like serving but I'm glad to have met a few buddies along the way and if I get posted to the same reservist unit as them,I'll definitely be looking forward to my first call up with them.
EDIT:Resentment,you looking for experiences as an NSman or do you want experiences as an NSF?
Originally posted by Resentment:pls share all your army experience which u have went thru for nsman. Regulars can also post their valuable experience too for the benefits of pre-enlistees like me who is going for enlistment in 2 days time. thanks a lot!