Is there such a thing? I heard about it from friends.
How does one enter/apply/get chosen?
Anyone in there before?
Ya, everyday I sit down at the coffeeshop and gather info from my drinking khaki uncles and the beer aunties.. Beer allowance given every month.. Join now!
Originally posted by superlibra:Ya, everyday I sit down at the coffeeshop and gather info from my drinking khaki uncles and the beer aunties.. Beer allowance given every month.. Join now!
we are not talking about the matas here, hello ! ...
Intelligence officer.
must be an officer.
clean background.
serious lah! not police/defencescience/whatnot. Must be officer? really? How about logistics and stuff in there? min requirements? Haha. I just wanna be a clerk there or smth lol! JUST KIDDING.
Don't expect to be spoonfed if you seriously want to be an IO.
Military Intelligence ? :