they chao keng to get a stay out vocation so they can spend more time with their girlfriend..
or they chao keng so can get stay out excuse...
these people perhaps chao keng coz they feel insecure, ie. if they never spend enough time with their gf, she will go n find other guys...
or perhaps their gf encourage them to chao keng so can spend more time together...
u come across any army friends who is like that? what do u think of such chao keng people?
and how did these people chao keng? was it successful?
康康 (康晋�)
好心疼ä¸�èƒ½é™ªåœ¨ä½ èº«æ—�
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是å�¦ä½ 也想ç�€æˆ‘好é�¥è¿œ
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为何如今è¦�åˆ†å¼€ä½ çš„å…µå�˜æˆ‘好难挨
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å› ä¸ºæˆ‘çŸ¥é�“让我å�˜æˆ�男人的ä¸�是当兵
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not easy cos it's a citizen's army
you might as well stand in elections
just serve your 2 yrs lah..
army should issue chasity belts to the guys so that they cud lock up their charbos' and let them serve in peace
they chao keng cos scared their gf zao geng..
this is a test of faith
they song or u song?