oh. means when there are female regulars who go for bmt, they will go throughout the SAF to find the old female regulars to be your commanders. basically they will be your parents/siblings/friends/relatives during your bmt.Originally posted by mckezine:Hmmm. i don't quite get your last line.
Thanks anyway (:
drill as in train and scold.Originally posted by mckezine:HAHA got your point. What you meant by drill? Oh do we train with guys during training anyway?
And anyway, I'd like to thank everyone who responded to the thread. I just called BMTC HQ today because today is the 1st day of the 1 week I'm given to call up. And I'd clarified the entire suitation.
I was posted to BMTC HQ on 17th December, because there was a lil' database-cum-human error in the system. As I got silver in napfa, I'm supposed to enlist only on 10th Jan. So yes, I have no choice because I have been allocated to BMTC HQ already. For now, all I have to do is to report to on the 17th and get my measurements and all done, and do admin jobs till my actual enlistment date. But it's not a stay in thou.
Thank you guys much (:
Originally posted by Terribear:Take off your Tee-shirt/No.4 when you change into IPE for CD training ok?
Okay to keep your shorts on..
IPE stands for individual protection equipment or something. Its simply the entire entire including mask etc that you will have to wear when you enter a toxic area.Originally posted by mckezine:What is IPE and CD? don't understand.
Girls and guys will be train seperatelyOriginally posted by mckezine:HUH? why?
anyway, I've been wondering for like days & months about how training will be held for us, girls. During training, do we train in a platoon of girls only or train with guys?
Oh okay. HAAHAHA.Originally posted by dkcx:Girls and guys will be train seperately