Perhaps...., egos/personality, souls and spirit are but ONE pure awareness/consciousness. Egos and soul are all of the same substances(spirit) expressed through different vehicles and/or mediums.
Picture the simplified diagram below
Pure awareness/consciousness/Spirit is all there is around and is symbolized by the blue background in the diagram. When without vehicles or medium to interact/reflect, it remains in Beingness. That could be why when no thought arises in a meditation, all that remains is this pure undifferentiated awareness.
Subjected to the ‘encasement’ of physical/mental bodies, it becomes Ego/personality. The bodies partially dictate what is being reflected, thus giving rise to the holographic impression of a physical reality and personality. Likewise in a similar manner, Soul could be the result of consciousness being subjected to a medium with a different range of vibration. Nevertheless, they(ego/soul) are all one thing, which is the blue substance(pure undifferentiated awareness/consciousness). The differences arise because each aspect (of the ONE consciousness/awareness) is putting attention to different focuses.
When the physical body dies, the ego disappears because its physical hologram generator(bodies) has disintegrated. When that happens, the awareness 'within' remembers itself as the soul or, if other subtle bodies remained, perceive the after-death environment accordingly.
What's your view on this?...