Originally posted by harryryan:
dear great oceanos n frens....
really need u pple's help n advice on this...
my fren was a guarrantor for a guy for about a million dollars n now e guy ran away and he will need to go to court tomoorw.... so how huh??
poor guy,he inherited a fortune from his grandparents but he has a sickness that means he will not live as long as many of us.....
e worst thing is that his parents actually hope he will die soon that they will get e grandparents money....n he cannot use e money till he is 28...a few years from now....
how huh?really hope to help him but really no way out liao....this is a genuine case...not joking one...pls help n give advice...
anyway,u can get him out of this bad patch???
Merry Meet HarryRyan,
Well sad to hear about your friend's predicaments, As for the guarantor & illness its already the facts, we can only help to reduce its impact not totally change the course of Nature! Pertaining to the guarantor case, I would suggest he get a reading from me to have a more clearer picture of his current situation & i will provide him with a resolution to solve it! As for his sickness, i would suggest him to have healing with me or other healers whom he feel comfy with...However he will also have to continue his medical treatment! Reiki or other forms of alternative healing can only reduce his pain, strengthen him & enhance his chance from being cured completely... I feel currently he is very depressed & negative...his heart chakra is rather blocked & heavy...he has problem with communication with people too... he has suffered from heartbreak previously has also cause him a permanent detriment in a way... This is my intuitive reading about him... Well there is only so much we can do to help him...so ultimately is his choice...he must have the intent to help himself before we can do anything more... Have a nice day!
Blessed Be,