The total lunar eclipse occurred on November 8/9 2003!
The astrological chart of that moment has a distinctive pattern, or "signature," which is visible even to the untrained eye. The astrological holograph that the moment projects is fundamentally spiritual in nature, and can be understood terms of Quantum Meta-Physics as well as by 'astro-spiritual' metaphor. It speaks of the descent of God-Consciousness upon this plane and offers a moment in time when humankind can make a concerted effort to rise up to meet it. We have called this moment of attunement The Harmonic Concordance. We believe that it opens an energetic "stargate" to the Ascension of Mother Earth, and to each of her inhabitants. Many have called the attainment of this paradigm the Shift of Ages.
We also know that this gate has always been open, to those willing to step through it. Although this chart depicts a moment in our future, the energies embodied in it can also be used to show us how to activate that moment right NOW.
Like its spiritual ancestor, the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, The Harmonic Concordance of 2003 also is a call to the Spirit of Humankind to awaken to the idea that we are, in fact, Spiritual beings sharing a physical experience. Consequently, ceremonies and celebrations in honor of this idea are now being scheduled at multiple sacred sites and pilgrimage places throughout the world.
The Harmonic Concordance Crop Circle
One of the newest, and largest, of the crop circles to appear, first reported on July 18, 2002. We have taken the liberty to call it, unofficially (so far, yet) The Harmonic Concordance Crop Circle. We, of course, see it as confirmation from "higher sources" that we're onto something really big here. Can you imagine why? That it appeared in Avebury, England, near the site of the Stonehenge Monuments, seems very significant to us.
*Articles taken from Harmonic Concordance Homepage
Planetary Alignment of the Planets on Harmonic Concordance
In over 4000 years, never have the Stars aligned themselves the way they will on Nov8 which coincides with a total eclipse of the Moon!
This moment of planetary alignment is a moment of rare beauty astrologically forming a perfect six-pointed Star of David. In essence the unobstructed flow of energy between 6 planets; Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Chiron, will create a powerful vortex. Allow this new vibrant energy to flow in & let it enhance & change your life!
Now is the great time in this month for any Healing, Magickal workings or Spiritual Ascension with the help of the Harmonic Concordance energy of the Star of David!
Below are some of the gemstones that resonates with the individual Planetary Energies:
Clear Quartz - The Center - Your activating position in the Center of the Concordance Moment.
Turritella - The Moon - A protective stone which allows access to the healing of Mother Earth.
Carnelian - The Sun - Used to produce inspiration from the spiritual worlds.
African Bloodstone - Mars - The "stone of courage," it helps one to accept the change in energy fields.
Amethyst - Jupiter - Resonates with the Godhead as well as with the energy of transmutation.
Tiger Eye - Saturn - Balances Yin/Yang energies.
Chrysocolla - Chiron - Provides a healing bridge between Mother Earth and the Perfection of the Universe.
Everyone can use these stones to draw in the planetary energies through meditations or rituals! You can also feel free to replace any stones with another if you like!
Blessed Be, Oceanos
Merry Meet to All,
Below is the message i got from an overseas Lightworker friend, it is taken down through a channeling session from Archangel Michael. Do read it to give you more insights & guidance from the Higher Source!
Blessed Be, Oceanos
Message From Archangel Michael LM-11-03 Transmitted Through Ronna Herman You Are The In-breath Of The Creator
Beloved masters, for many years, we of the higher realms have been speaking of an accelerated global shift of consciousness beginning in your year 2003. In preparation for this Divine event, we began to activate the DIAMOND CORE GOD CELL within your heart center in February, 2003. This core Seed Atom strengthens and solidifies your connection with your Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator as you strive to integrate more and more of the multi-dimensional facets of your Divine Self. As we have told you, the Creator is now taking an active part in the evolutionary process of your universe and is sending down from ITS Heart Center an infusion of pure Divine Essence. You have often heard of the Out-breath and In-breath of Creation. The Out-breath occurred when the Supreme Creator sent forth out into the great void all the myriad Sparks of Divine Consciousness with the command to manifest and create new worlds and realities without end. Over the many aeons of time, you have refracted, separated and diminished yourselves outward and downward into your present state of Being. You have devolved to the furthermost limits and now it is time to retrace your journey, back into the realms of Light. There have been some misconceptions about the In-breath, and the popular belief has been that the Creator will "Breath In" all that has been created. This is not true. The Creator is sending forth ITS radiance to incorporate all the magnificence that has ever been created. Beloved ones, you are the INBREATH. You will breathe in the Essence of the Creator as you ready your human vessel to receive more and more refined Light and the rarified vibrational frequencies of the higher realms. You, in your human vessel, will incorporate the Essence of the Creator that is flowing down onto the Earth plane. It has been said by many, "You dwell within the Creator and the Creator dwells within you," and during these unprecedented times, you are being gifted with as much Creator Light as you can contain. All you have to do is give your Higher Self permission to begin this life-expanding infusion and then radiate the gift of Creator Light out into the world and to all those around you. There is much excitement about the rare galactic alignment about to occur which will be activated by the lunar eclipse on November 8, 2003. This event has been named the HARMONIC CONCORDANCE and will have far-reaching positive consequences for humanity and the Earth. This alignment will be activated by the lunar eclipse on November 8th, and will open a multi-dimensional portal from the Divine Consciousness to your galaxy, solar system and planet. The power and momentum of this rarified energy will build until the solar eclipse on November 23rd, however the effects of this rarified energy infusion will last for time immeasurable, and it will accelerate the ascension/evolution process for all of your galaxy. In order to begin the process of reunification, you have had to acknowledge and accept your shadow side as well as the fragments of yourselves you have created down through the ages. Many of you began the process of releasing your old belief systems in 198!