HI En',
Thanks for the readings. Quite interesting, spot on for a number of stuff. Will PM you a more detailed feedback =)
Resentment Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - 6 of Wands
Fulfillment, or the completion of a task/project. Be sufficiently happy but watch out for pride. Small success does not necessary gaurantee a easy path ahead, be humble always so that you can remain open to new experiences. If you are always in the center of attention, try to tone down a little yah?! Also, try to look before you leap, be sure of the situation before jumping in- as you might sometimes be prone to impulsivity and rash judgement, can take advice from others once in a while.
Crossing Card - High Priestess
Seems that recently luck like not very smooth, a bit of minor irritants and small obstacles/things always seemed to crop up. Look out for the hints around you, judge not by people's words, but use your observational skills to see what is really going on. Do not take things at the surface value. Also seems to be hinting at a bit of female troubles, if you are a lady, or if you are male, could also be some concerns with the gentler sex.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - 5 of Swords (R)
Do not gloat or take pride in other peoples back luck/ failure/downfall no matter how much they deserved it. Learn to empathize and see things from their point of view- perhaps they do the things that they have done because that was the best they could? No matter what, or how horrible people may be, learning to forgive and to empathize will improve your personal skills/development and be helpful to you. Also, no matter how great an achievement you managed, you must not get complacent, must always move ahead and look forward.
Foundation - Moon (R)
Watch and control your emotions. Do not do things in the heat of the moment or react without thinking. Canavoid a lot of misunderstandings if you are more careful in this area. Also, try to be more sensitive towards people, because they do not always say and show what they really mean/think/feel. If there are any doubts, make sure to clarify them with the other person at that very moment. Do not go home and mull it over or hold grudges. If upset by any events, find a constructive way to vent- do not indulge in drinking or other vices to relieve the stress. If you do go out drinking with friends, make sure you do not drive after the drinks- or make sure that the one driving does not have any alcoholic beverages.
Past - Empress (R)
Not everything is a judgement or a competition. No need to always put so much stress and demands/expectations on self. If people come looking to you for handouts, if not too detrimental to self- can give assistance once in a while even if it mean some minor inconveniences, however must be aware and really firm in saying "NO" to unreasonable requests. Do not make demands on others that you would not like someone else making on you. Also, watch your temper, and do not always give in to the sulking and temper tantrums of others unless you are actually trying to encourage that behavior towards you.
Future - Wheel of Fortune (R)
Expect some changes or unsettlements. The wheel of fortune in this position suggests that fortunes are shifting. Nothing is confirmed at this moment, things are not decided yet. The outcome depends not only on you and your actions but also on that of the people around you. Seems that you should be in midst of making some sort of decision that would affect what happens next.
Allies - 7 of Swords (R)
Do not take credit where credit is not due to you, no matter how tempting it may seem- more trouble than is worth. If others play a part, no matter how tiny or nsignificant- make sure your give them credit too! As for the people you hang out with, watch and see what you would think of that group if you are a complete stranger, see if that is the kind of person you think you are/want to be. Do not let group decision influence your actions/judgement. You have a right to choose the support around you, make sure that your chosen friends resonate with your goals and life path, and not lead to astray from your ultimate destination.
Environment - Queen of Swords (R)
Things around you seem a little cold/unfeeling. While it is good to be streamlined and effective, no point taking it to the utmost extreme. If you take emotions and feelings out of the environment or the work, then the work could become a job/responsibility or burden. If you are unable to effectively enjoy what you do, you cannot recognise and appreciate your strengths or even daily life. Makes life, especially life at work, kind of tough- doesn't it? Point to note though, things around you are not all that they seem, need to take time to really examine your situation/environment from a new perspective.
Hopes & Fears - King of Wands (R)
Fears the loss of self as well as the lack/loss of power/control/authority. Holding on too tight, unwilling to let go/relax. Trying to force things to remain the way that they are will only grow more and more uncomfortable, and even if you succeed, the one day that change finally happens, you might not be able to adjust. Respect from others is earned, status and authority comes with being the best that you are, and working with all your experiences to your advantage. Change is inevitable, it may be better to go with the flow.
Outcome - 6 of Pentacles (R)
Make sure you take a stand for yourself. Do not be forced into anything that you are not totally comfortable with. If you are giving, make sure you are willing to give, if you are not- there is a good reason for it- make sure you understand your reason, and do not compromise if it affects your integrity. It is far easier to make mistakes when rushed. Take things slowly, there is no rush. Time is designated by mankind, it has no real meaning if you choose not to ascribe meaning to it.
Current Issues: 2 of Swords / 10 of Wands / King of Cups (R)
Choices in the making. Balance of logic vs emotion. A lot of responsibility,self-inflicted burdens. Trying hard to keep it together. Forcing control. Standing out too much- easy target. Watch indulgences/ stress-relieve methods.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
Bangulzai Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - 8 of Cups
Not matter how bleak/hopeless or ungratifying any situation may seem, do not even entertain the thoughts of giving up. The situation came about partially because of your choice and actions, but no point in regretting. Thigns have already happened, what is important now is to move on and not allow self to wallow in self-despair. An indication here of loneliness, and of being misunderstood.
Crossing Card - Tower
Some changes and disruptions to the past lifestyle, maybe that's why things seem a little bit uncomfortable or not so smooth around you at this moment. Again, a note here about not giving up or giving into despair. Also no point in playing the blame game or shouldering all the guilt/responsibility-being the martyr. What happened, happened. Choices had been made, events were set into motion, might be time to take a good look at all that is around you and stop focusing on the past.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - Knight of Cups
Do not focus on what you turned away from or had missed, and do not keep reminising or regretting. Try instead to look at all that is around you, and if acceptable to you- consider accepting the fresh opportunity and challenges offered. Looking for some sort of connection or communion with others, may at times feel misunderstood or alone.
Foundation - 9 of Swords
Harsh words exchanged, misunderstandings occured- regrets. There seemed to be some inaction or inappropriate actions performed. Since it already happened, no point worrying about it now. Either salvage it or move on. Try to get enough rest and to be more aware of what your body needs, and don't keep all your worries/troubles to yourself. Find someone you can talk to or can relax around, give yourself a break from all the stressors. If not, easy to fall sick.
Past - Sun (R)
Things are not always what they seemed. Memories are funny in a way. The bad happenings always seemed good and the good ones seemed better- even though that may not be true. A call here to look past the illusion of what is, to see what had truely happened.Do not let past experiences and/or memories become a burden or a distraction. Also appeared to be somewhat complacent in the past, taking things for granted, not having full regards where others are concerned. Should pay more attention to things/people around you now, and keep hope/optimism.
Future - 6 of Wands (R)
Fight for what you want, but use appropriate means/actions. If you made a mistake, admit it and learn from it. Do not let pride trip you and stop you from achieving your potential. There is a call, a need for a honest review of what you have achieved in life so far, what you have experienced, all your past relationships and where you intend to move next. Only when you can know for certainty and with clarity, then can understand and make appropriate choices/sacrifice to get to what you desired. Do you really and truely want what you thought you wanted?
Allies - Ace of Pentacles
Do not get lost in the pursuit of material gains and satisfaction. Do not let uncertainty cloud your judgement, take a rest, take a breather & smell the roses- but don't take too long. See the world with a new perspective, find new points of view and interesting sights in old scenery, you just might discover something that you've missed. The are people around that hoped you succeed, and you seemed to have support/aid/encouragement from others, but appears to be hidden/obstructed. Could mean that the support/help is done in secret or offered in the form of a challenge. Not everyone is out to get you, and there are those that want you to succeed around you.
Environment - 5 of Cups (R)
Appears to be some sort of disharmony in your current surroundings. Some sort of quarrels/arguments and/or disappointments. Do not let it affect you so much that you cannot function, and try to keep a lid on your own emotions. You would not want to carry that emotional baggage all day only to unleash it onto an unsuspecting victim... Try to see from all points of view, and look out for all the pleasant things or decorations around, there must be something that you like or can like which can make things feel better. Or when things get really bad, try to list out 10 things that you are grateful for, or 10 song/memories which makes you happy or something. Need to keep optimism to attract positive deals towards self.
Hopes & Fears - Hanged Man (R)
Do not fear being wrong or making a mistake, if you are in the wrong direction- stop and turn back. Do not allow self to keep progressing, or to sit in complacency hoping things would turn around on their own. If you are waiting for an answer/reply or news of some sort, appears to be slightly delayed. Just keep your patience and continue waiting bah... If you can, would be a good idea to define your center/seek an inner point of balance so that you do not get easily overwhelmed by life.
Outcome - World
Decision of every situation, choices at every turn are made by you. How events will turn out, whether or not you will be satisfied and happy is dependant on you. Adopt a new line of thinking or point of view if you must, fight if you want to but do not just give up or attempt to let others do the fighting for you. You alone must decide what you want in life and what can satisfy you. It is one thing to be contended with life, a totally different matter to become complacent. The end of a cycle will only mark the beginning of another.
Fell out during shuffling: 4 of Cups
Regrets. Complacency. Inaction. Dreamer without action. Wishes and hopes. Nostalgia of sorts. Intuition.
(Could represent a special issue or aspect that needs additional attention towards for the querent, or in the reading.)
Current Issues: Empress / Hermit (R) / Page of Swords
Issues with sharing/charity/giving/opening up of self. Exists a need to redefine and to find self. Appears to have trouble with decisions/logical thinking/choices/clarity of view. Must not make ill-informed or rash judgements/decisions. Need to explore more.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
2 more rounds to mine!
Detached Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - Chariot
Suggestion of movements or travels of sort. An impulse to begin a project or an idea, but also a sense of not being very certain where to go. Do not use escape as a means of dealing, need to face up to whatever is around you at the time. Also suggestive of some sort of trial/test/exam that you have faced or will be facing, an indication here that you are likely to pass the exam if nothing changes within this period.
Crossing Card - Temperance
Need to find a balance point, and exercise appropriate control of your surroundings. Seems that you have just recovered or are recovering from some sort of weakness/sickness, asking you to not rush too much, take it slower and mind your health together with your spiritual well-being.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - High Priestess (R)
Need to be optimistic and not focusing on the negativities. Also a note here that you should try to stay out of trouble and find your own inner balance. A caution here regarding the misuse of power/knowledge and intuition. If you have a gift, whether you were borned with it or have trained for it, you have a responsibility to use it wisely. Could also be a need to re-examine what you think you know, and stop deluding yourself.
Foundation - King of Wands (R)
An unwise control, or a lack of it in situations. If you believe in karma, probably is part of that influence with you right now. If you have since learned the folly of your actions, good. Be sure not to repeat those mistakes. If you are yet unaware, perhaps you need to take a closer look and make sure you do not make the same errors in the situations to come.
Past - 10 of Swords (R)
You've come a long way, and it wasn't easy. Appears to be fraught with trials and tests of sorts, not an easy path to walk. Seems to say that while events from the past have shaped you, should not carry it within your heart always, and let those events cause you to doubt what you currently have or what others are currently offering you. Also, due to your past, you are given a new lease on life, learn to cherish what you have. Think things through before commiting or passing judgement onto other people or situations.
Future - Wheel of Fortune
If you are going on travels, must be careful. Do remember to double-check your packing, your travel/accomodation plans, and remember to look where you are walking. Suggestive of movements and changes, the wheel of fortune here also indicates that the future is fluid and you are most probably in the process of making a decision that could affect the outcome of the situation you are in or will be facing. Be truthful of where you are and what you will do next, your choice could very well make the difference between enlightenment/understanding and illusions.
Allies - Emperor
Do not be too rigid/dogmatic when conversing with others. Try to be more relaxed, and easy-going. Listen and share, but do not overwhelm or overpower- no matter how misguided others may seem.Maybe once in a while can also listen seriously to what others have to say, take their point of view into consideration and not be so quick to reject all their ideas. Even though others may not have the experience or knowledge that you do, sometimes their advice or insights could be helpful in exposing you to a new point of view.
Environment - Hermit
Appears to be somewhat misunderstood and somewhat cold/alone/lonely- as if no one can quite understand or connect with you. Know that if you desire a connection with others or to gain support and understanding, it is necessary to open up self first. If you are too afraid of getting hurt, then you stand to gain nothing from your interaction with others. It is also a good idea to look beyond appearance or social status when communicating with others. No matter if the other person is beneath you in knowledge/skills or above you in social status, treat them like a person first and foremost, with humility and with respect but give only respect where it is deserving. At the core of life, we are all human beings, there is no one greater or smaller.
Hopes & Fears - 7 of Cups
When a good thing happen to you, smile graciously and gratefully accept it. Not asking you to be naive or blind about deals that happen, but that if you cannot find anything wrong with it, then it may be time to accept that there is nothing wrong with it. Do not always doubt the intention of others. Probably been hurt too badly in the past, kinda hard to accept good things now or believe that things are really that great. Know that nothing bears up under harsh scrutiny, and the more you reject good tidings, the less good tidings the universe will bring towards you. Cherish what you have, but of couse, do not follow/accept blindly. There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, but sometimes, the proposal following the treat is mutually beneficial, so... Why not?
Outcome - 5 of Swords (R)
Do not fear a losing battle, or at being potentially mocked/humiliated. It is you who will emerge victorious at the end, if you learn all that you should. Time to wake up and take a closer look around, not the time to stick to your old thinking- or thoughts/ideas which may be naive, even childish, or a stubborn view of the world. You have matured, so use your current viewpoint to upgrade all your old believes and ideas- throw out all the thinking/ideas that does not fit into your life anymore to make space for new adventures and experiences. If you have a mentor or a guide, it may be wise to follow what they teach/say- do not bend the rules. What is the point of getting a mentor to guide if you do not follow/listen to their teachings? If you are contemplating making a sacrifice of sort, make certain you know fully well what you are leaving behind and why.
Current Issues: Queen of Pentacles / 3 of Swords / 3 of Cups
Regret following impulse after/during a party or an event.
Spirituality. Probable financial concerns. Heartbreak/ alone-ness/misunderstandings. Uncertainty. New phrase of living/life. Celebration/love/joy.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
Originally posted by Mimmy:2 more rounds to mine!
Actually, the next reading will be yours...
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Mimmy Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - 6 of Swords (R)
Seems to be a little bit burderned, and tired. Things seem to be not very smooth going at the moment, as well as a little bit of uneasiness with people. Do not take rejection to heart, and try, try again! Escape would not be a very good choice for now, would ask you to face up to the situation that you are in. Indication also of travel or more likely, recent urgings of wanderlust.
Crossing Card - Queen of Pentacles
While is good to relax and indulge, must watch out for over-indulgence. Even though you may well be able to afford it, try not to spend unwisely or without thinking, practicing restraint to temptation is a good training of self-discipline and willpower. Also, before making a decision, think through all aspects of the situation, but don't take too long. Once decided, don't keep changing your mind or second-guessing yourself- unless there is change of situation/new information appearing or something, just stick to your choice.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - Queen of Wands
Remember that no one is perfect, have a more realistic expectation of yourself. Make sure that you are not aiming too far out- straight from the start, because I seemed to sense that you have high expections of yourself and is quite sensitive and fearful to being disappointed. If you could set nearer and more achievable goals, it's easier to meet- could boost self-esteem and avoid disappointments- why not? Just break down the major goals into smaller steps and take it easier on yourself. One more thing, best to try control your mood, do not let emotions get better of you.
Foundation - Fool
Your path is chosen by you, accept all that is good and all that is not so pleasant with that choice. It is your path and you have to follow through on your choice. Do not forget to take the time and explore (relish in) your current path, do not push too hard or be oblivious to what is happening around you. Isolating key events from your past that may still be influencing your present situation (either directly or indirectly) should help with some of the .... baffling(for lack of a better word)... emotions/thoughts that you seemed to be experiencing.
Past - Justice (R)
No matter how badly others have treated you, try to repay with kindness and gentleness to the best of your abilities. You have been subjected to unkind and unfair treatments, and have had to overcome quite some odds against you. Possibly led to expecting the worst from others. Would encourage you to be honest and loving towards others, to the best of your abilities, that you start attracting honest and loving people to/around you. Of course, that also means for you to be honest and loving with, and to yourself.
Future - World
You need to focus on what is really around you, rather than what you think you see, or what you hope/dream of. Seems to be near a completion period of some sort, a chance of new beginnings. Seems to be a chance to rectify past actions as well as a chance to choose again. Think carefully, and choose wisely this time.
Allies - Knight of Pentacles
Try not to be cajoled or led astray by friends, and watch out for over-indulgence as well as financial management. Some money are meant to be spent, others are not. It's not so much about whether you can afford it, but more of whether it should/should not be. Judge wisely and think things through. If investing, do not just follow friends, make sure you do your own research and learn somethings in the process.
Environment - 7 of Wands (R)
Seems to be feeling a little hassled, stressed or even a lack of control. Make some personal time in midst of your busy activities, recenter yourself and take a breather- will help in restoring focus and sense of self. Need to clear thoughts and move on, needs to sort out any confusion that you may have, and do not stress out too much. Easier to fall sick, especially when stressed out, so take care of your health yah?!
Hopes & Fears - Chariot (R)
Somewhat competitive, fears losing or being left behind. Enjoy a little and let live a little. Let down some chains and guards, lose yourself into a moment of your life, and enjoy that moment. No need to to take others words and actions to heart, any damanges are at best- presumed damages. Let you as a person, and your actions as a person, speak for you. No need to take others so seriously, just stay true to yourself.
Outcome - Hanged Man
Not enough to just have a hope or a wish. Should take appropriate actions, and cultivate within self the multitude of traits and attitudes necessary to attain the goals one hopes or wishes for. Again, an urge here to not overemphasize rejection from others or crave/seek their approval, but to stay true to self. Somethings may simply be out of your personal control, no sense forcing or unduely stressing about those. Turn your focus towards the things that you can control or towards your inner cultivation instead.
Current Issues: 7 of Pentacles (R) / Knight of Swords (R) / 5 of Cups
Sense of lack of balance. A little bit of a struggle. Tired. Need to balance. lack of trust. Disappointment/loss. Not enough movement. Unclear main goals.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
Me wanna have a read too.Thanks!
den me leh.
roughly when will mine be? XD
urs will be aft mine loh.
Originally posted by Hello Kitty:urs will be aft mine loh.
wrong! i came in before you! haha
Originally posted by En':
Oh... Not true worrI did a 16 card read for you leiz... Coz you were the first to respond mahz, but... Hmmm, also could be coz me skills rusty back then? Now got more practice le, practice makes perfect mahz!
Unless you talking about the reading I did for you in person- that I admit is really off standard- even for entertainment purpose.
Paiseh ah, coz that day after work+class so was really tired... Paiseh.
If you are looking for a professional reading though, you can go find Oceanos, he will be able to recommend readers for you de! Take care~
can u send me the last reading again
looking / seach the last few pages cannot find
Your will have to wait for a very long time le.....
yay my turn alr!
liddat is hw long?
He started school le....
So will stop for the time being.....
hw cm u knw?
he stardies wt?
please do take your time in getting an accurate reading...haha
He disappeared for very long already!
cApitaland Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3+3 cards)
Current Situation - 8 of Swords
There seemed to be quite a bit of troubling thoughts or lack of clarity in your current situation. A feeling of confusion, being lost, or even apathy. There is an advice here for the need to focus on something else other than pain, to know that this is not the time to be finding fault or shifting blames- focus instead on a new direction, find or formulate new goals and solutions. Do not procrastinate, get depressed or give up easily, take a good objective look at your situation and your environment, may be helpful in shifting your perspective a little.
Crossing Card - Hierophant
The hierophant here suggested that you feel bound or restricted in some ways. There are certain obligation and responsibility that you have to bear. May even be feeling stuck, unable to progress. It's easier to collapse when pressures accumulate unaware, so be careful not to overwhelm yourself, there is no need to act strong all the time. There is also no need to take control all the time, watch out for feelings of obligation and possessiveness. Give yourself permission to let go, especially when it becomes detrimental or when it no longer matters in your life.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - Star
Quite a bit of thinking, of dreams, hopes, wishes and even aspiration. Not a bad thing, but you have to take practical steps and make practical dreams. Break down your goals into small and achieveable steps, and start working on them to turn them into reality. Do not focus too far into the future, do not negate the grandness or the possibility of your dreams. Stay in reality, but keep dreaming and focus on the one dream that you want to work on. Then take steps towards it.
Foundation - 6 of Pentacles
A couple of missed opportunity, chances to get what you wanted but you missed it. Also a sense of lack of focus, shifting attention and undirected attention. If you could have focused and were not procrastinating, may have achieved much more. One thing that you should work on, even right now in your life is- perspective. You need to pay more attention to yourself and your surroundings. Do not neglect to see what you truely have. Count your blessings, be objective, be grateful.
Past - Ace of Wands
Too much force and control applied in the past, but did not always managed to see clearly. Quite sone missed opportunities, and either poor control or misunderstanding emotion and communication wise. Must be aware of extreme thinking patterns, and not give in to impatience or rash actions. It is important to understand yourself and your own true motives to fully understand why you want the things that you do, or how to use yourself to your own best advantages.
Future - King of Pentacles
Again, try to focus on what you already have. The law of attraction states that you attract into your life what you most resonate with, in this case- what you think about a lot. If you have already had an achievement of some sort- good! Congratulations. However, is not the time to stop and rest. There is potential here for so much more. Remember though, do not let your achievement dominate your being: Be proud, but not boastful. If you have not had what you wanted to achieve so far, then get off ur butt, find a goal and start working towards it. What this card says to me is that there exists quite a fair amount of potential and ability to succeed, but a hesitant/pause in achieving that success due to the person. So, stop procrastinating, either that or stop celebrating and start towards getting that bigger goal!
Allies - Lovers
Have to make a choice of sorts, decision to be made, paths to choose. Yet, the paths are not fully clear at the moment. You need to be really sure of who you are and what you want. Seek balance, and remember- Everything in moderation! Try also to not let your judgement be affected by well-meaning people around you. Take advice but do not follow blindly. Must try to rely on yourself, think things through- do not become dependent on others.
Environment - 10 of Cups
You are actually in a pretty good place, it's pretty positive. This card denotes fulfillment and happiness, harmony, family, bliss and understanding. However, you need to learn to recognise the good things that you have around you- it's always the simplest things that are the most beautiful, and always the simplest things that people forget to give thanks for. There is also something that the cards want me to convey, which is: You are protected and loved, always. You need to know that. I'm not sure if you have ever had a feeling that something/someone was watching over you, but what I see is that if you ever had that feeling, appreciate it, and have faith in it. Just remember though, having someone wanting the best for you out there, doesn't equate to having a "get out of jail free" card. If you make the wrong choices, you'll still have to bear with the consequences of your mistake.
Hopes & Fears - 7 of Wands
Sometimes, just leave things be. No need to be in control all the time, when something is due or when your lessons are learned, life situation changes. Do not attempt to hold on at all cost, as it may become more costly to hold on to it. Seems to be somewhat fearful of something, or having a sense of impending doom/negative feelings towards something. There is a need for careful communication here- will help to see the situation better. No matter what you want, there is always a price to pay- so make sure you know what your limit is for achieving a certain goal, at what price are you willing to pay- make sure you do not lose track of that. Also, remember to watch your diet, exercise and sleep patterns, seems that you are a bit... "heaty". Could be tired or could also be other factors, but falling sick is not to your best interest, and if you can rectify that... Why not?
Outcome - Queen of Pentacles
Pretty fruitful, can get what you wanted to achieve. If you really know what you really want and is willing to work for it! Fate will be giving you a helping hand, look out for hidden (or not so obvious) opportunities. There is also an indication of a relationship. It could be romance or otherwise- but a woman is involved. Could be a romance, or a woman giving in, or gathering aid and support from her. Whichever it is, just know that you can succeed, and you should work towards that. Just remember though, this is just a reading, and your ultimate aim is to get your goals, so don't get sidetracked looking for the lady in question and delay achievement of your goals.
Current Issues: Ace of Swords / 5 of Cups / 8 of Pentacles
Need to make decisions. Choices. Commitment issues. Looking for escape in a way. Working hard. Seeing truth, need to see previously ignored issues. Disappointments. Need to take a stand.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
bladez87 Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - 2 of Cups
Need to work on your communication with others. Also need to be clear about what you want and seek to attain it. Once your mind is made up, stick with your decision. Do not be indecisive and hesitate to take action. Seems to be worried about some relationships related issues, I'd guess troubled by romance more than by friendship. There seems to be some choice that you need to make. One thing to note, it is better for you to stick to reality, do not dream or fantasize too much.
Crossing Card - 8 of Pentacles
Now is the time for hard work and peserverance. You need to show courage, determination and dedication. Do not be terrified by the obstacles in front of you or think of giving up easily. Take things one step at a time. Stop looking at the problem, focus instead on the solution. Rather than looking at the solution as a whole mountain to conquer, look at it as one single step at a time, and before long, you may have already reached the top without noticing.
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - 2 of Pentacles
There are choices to be made. You need to focus on what it is that you truely want and what would be the best for you. Try to seek a balance in all that you do, and make your decision only after you are sure of what each choice entails. Also, one thing that you can do is to look at your past. See what you have been through before, and it may just help you decide on what you are/want to do next.
Foundation - Lovers
Indecision. Seemed that either the wrong path was taken, or that choices offered were but an illusion. There is a need to find a balance within the self and to take an objective point of view at your current situation. If you can resolve issues from the past, that's fantastic. If not ready at this point, then just learn the lessons that you need and move on. Have to learn to have more trust in self and stop doubting/second-guessing own decision and point of view.
Past - 7 of Cups
Know that sometimes, change is unlikely. Whatever happened in the past, is likely to occur again if no actions, or insufficient actions were taken. You need to work on your communication skills with others, as well as your own point of view. What I see here is that you were not given the entire truths/details in a past event. There were information hidden from you. Would encourage you to take a more objective view so that you are able to gleam more details in future situations.
Future - King of Pentacles
Whichever path you have decided, whatever it is that you choose... Remember, do not get complacent. Of course, you need to have trust in your partners but you must trust wisely. This card seems quite comfortable, so you might also wanna remind yourself to not over-indulge.
Allies - 10 of Pentacles (R)
Friends seem to be quite important to you, however it seems that recently you are not quite getting the support that you need. It may be simple misunderstandings or a case of too many different advices from others. Whichever the case, know that the situation is not permanent. Try to work things out by yourself, and think before you speak. If you do not feel understood by someone, find others to talk too, see from another perspective. You do not seem like the type to blow up or flare out, but from what I see, it's more like- if you do not agree, you'd just shut others out somewhat. Sometimes, there is a need to take others opinion, or at least, remain open to them... Try to remain reciprocal in all your relationships. Behave to others in your life the way that you would like them to treat you.
Environment - Magician
Things seems pretty orderly for you right now, not too much issues, things seems neat and tidy. Overall, I'd say that things are pretty good, but you must be careful of over-controlling and looking manipulative to others. Might be helpful to try and be more approachable, as well as more open and giving towards others. Being too serious or reserved may led others to perceive you as self-centered or inflexible. There is no need to be perfect.
Hopes & Fears - 4 of Cups
The best rewards in life are the ones that you worked for and truely deserves. There is no easy way out. When you are done resting, when you have finished with your thinking and your contemplation, it is time to get up and work for what you want. No dream is too big, few things in this world is impossible. Stop looking for easy opportunities offered by others, and start creating your own opportunities. Define your goal, the steps towards it, and start working towards it!
Outcome - 6 of Wands
Victory. There is a need for more drive, but you can achieve your goals. No one said success is easy, but... You can get what you want! Need to be wary of your pride though, as well as your "underlings". A need for control and force, but suitably applied. You would also require support for your success, it's much more difficult to manage alone, so try to get supporters for your cause. Which means that you need to work on your relationship and communication with others. Must rest now, and while you can. Rest to prepare for the path in your future.
Current Issues: 2 of Swords / 4 of Pentacles / King of Wands
Choices. Doubt. Worry. Not sure of direction/path/decision/choice. Tired. Somewhat withdrawn? Feeling dained mentally/emotionally. Uncertainty. Lack of support/need for support. Hidden money, possessions.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
Hello Kitty Full Reading
Layout of reading: Basic General Celtic Cross + Issues (10+3 cards)
Current Situation - 2 of Cups
There is a need to see others as they truely are and not as you want to see them (or the way they want you to see them). Recently also seemed to be feeling a little tired, perhaps even a little empty- like you are not truely understood by people. Extrememly likely that you have emotional/relationship matters that is constantly revolving around in your head.
Crossing Card - 9 of Wands
Seems to be waiting for something. Also present is the feeling of being overwhelmed, burderned, tired- although it would seem to me that is not of an obvious reason, or is due to something that you are not willing to share with everyone. Whatever it is, miscommunication seems to play a part in your situation. So mind your words, the way you speak and the way you listen/relate to others. Cannot control others but at least can control things on your part. Sometimes, giving in might not be altogether a bad thing...
Thoughts/ Events Crowning - Ace of Sword
Focused, determined. Seems to be making some kind of decision, although from the position of this card, more likely that you have already reached some kind of resolution. You have an idea of what you want and how things should be. While you have a clarity that I can only admire, you need to be sure that it is truely what you want/need at this moment in time.
Foundation - 6 of Cups
Do not get stuck with nostalgia. What's past is past, learn to let go and to forgive. I'd say that people around you tend to value you and your opinion, they are the types that would support you, help you pave your own way. Perhaps that is why compared to others, you are rather certain of yourself and of who you are- which is a good thing, in a way. However, I'd still feel that you need to explore within yourself, find the quiet little voice that tells you what you need. The voice that is more often than not- intuitively correct. There is still room for more understanding and exploration within yourself.
Past - Justice
There was disharmony of sorts in your past. Persons involved are not open in communication, with either one or both parties not speaking/refusing to speak. There also apears to be harsh judgement on either one or both sides- not seeing the true situation, and not willing to compromise/find a mutually agreeable solution. This seems to be a good time to shift focus towards understanding and developing the self as a individual and complete person.
Future - Page of Wands
Having new goals and directions is a good thing. This card tells that there is opportunity for new growth. You have the chance to develop in new ways, and there is also a high possibility of a new partner in your life or romantic attention from others. The possibilities are all present, is only up to you to recognise and to seize the chance.
Allies - Ace of Pentacle (R)
There is a need for better relationship with your friends. It is either that they are not very supportive (only there for the highlights in your life), or you have not encountered much hardships with them. Whichever way, I do not sense a very deep, understanding, strong and unconditional supportive kind of friendship in this situation. Friendship is reciprocal, treat others as you'd like to be treated. If you want an open and honest friend that will stand by you no matter what, first make sure you have correctly identified that the person is trustworthy and reliable, then make sure that you are open, honest and totally supportive towards them too. While giving is good, be careful that you are not over-indulgent or over-generous. Oh, if your friends propose money making opportunities, can consider- just make sure is all totally legal and you understand all legalities and explore all details involved before proceeding or committing, and it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Environment - Wheel of Fortune (R)
Things seems a little messy right now. Especially your surroundings, perhaps work area or accomodation. Whichever it is, if you can take the time off- can do a little spring cleaning. Afterall, chinese new year is around the corner, the timing is about right. Gather your colleagues and get them to help clean up the work area too, or something. When your things are in order, you'd find it much easier to keep your thoughts clearer and in order, and slo to bring your life in order. Remember, change is inevitable. Accept, do not resist change. Afterall, you have to let go of the old to make space for the new things/experiences to enter.
Hopes & Fears - 4 of Pentacles
Live life as it is. Live in the moment, in the present. Let go of the past, no point holding on so tight. Also stop wondering about past choices and how things could/should have been. No need to worry about the future- just make the correct choices for now and live life out. If you have made a decision, and is sure that it is what you want and need, then don't second guess or doubt yourself. Also, whatever your emotions, try to watch your diet, don't indulge in starvation or binge-eating. Take more fruits and veggies, cut down on junk food and drink more water.
Outcome - Knight of Swords
Having an idea of sorts, maybe the decision, maybe a new plan. Whichever it is, you need to strive harder. There are challenges ahead that you can solve, but you have to be sure of your abilities and your commitment. Appears that you can succeed or solve whatever is coming your way- you just need to have courage and perserverance, and also a good judgement of the situation. Make sure you know what you are getting yourself into, and things should be pretty fine!
Current Issues: 5 of Pentacles (R) / Queen of Pentacles / 5 of Wands
Extravagance. Money issues. Emptiness. Need to be in touch with self more. Need to focus clearer for matters on hand. Watch for strive/disharmony/overindulgence.
(No need to worry too much here, was drawn to help direct my focus to particular aspects/areas of your spread.)
Hi En'
I need more time to decipher the meanings so I'll get back to you soon about the analysis.