Hi oceanos,
Thanks for the reply,
Actually i do not quite understand what you mean. I think you are asking why there is always a repetitive sets of numbers shown to you. It is as if some unseen force turns your eyes to the number 911 notably on clock...
Yes, that is what i mean. If i were to think of "i want to see the number 911", it will not appear to me. It is seeing it unknowingly without the thought of it. But my is not as freaky as those on the net claims. They see it in the bills, car plates, apartment number almost everywhere...
It may be a form of reminder or message from the Angelic Realms. Whatever your belief, acknowledge that God/Spirit/Angels are telling you, you are on your path and to say, "Thank-you" for them talking to you.
This God/spirits/Angels... what to say, i'm not a christian. And how to know what message are they trying to tell me?
Btw, are you psychic/Clairvoyant? Prehaps you can help me by asking them the meaning of it.
For you, I feel its like a reminder or message telling you its time for you to make a major decision & great change in your life before it is too late.
Don't make me scared leh - "before it is too late" as if there is a date-line. Once this date-line expires, then i'm finished. I'm already very kanchong already. Feel like running out of time already. Those changes i want to make, those decisions to be made and those restrictions i want to break. There are not as easy as they seem to be. It is against all odds.