Iveco has finally come to senses....lets all forgive him one last time.....
mos> i agree wiv u on many points. u hv oso heard my side of da story.
ratty, let me fill ya with details...
ratina> who's scarface?
iveco> u got to come back to reality...
iveco, ya mamas so ugly, when she went to the zoo, they sound the alarm for escape animals!!
iveco> agree?
intrakota claims to be banged till give birth to twins naming iveco and sbst
mos> i nvr wanted to lose coolger either. i juz luv her, dat's all.<< WJ,details on iveco?
u be the joker of the whole sgf
mos> i noe. i've been unlucky in luv. i tried to make good, but i overdid things.
WJ, we can get the details in
ratty, intrakota hold a cert in malaysia called UKM...means Untuk Kita Main
iveco> turn around when it is still possible....CG is never meant for u...she is not ginny.......pls remember that.........ok?
oh oh, ur in trouble, somethings come along and burst some bubbles..yeah yeah
mos> ok. i'll remember. perhaps she & i were nvr fated.
who beLIEves his sob story??ginny is prolly his sister!
he is a royal pain in the ass<< ratty, to put it short it means intrakota is a professional prostitute
iveco> good mate....
ratty, intrakota hold a cert in malaysia called UKM...means Untuk Kita Main>>
laurie! *puts chain armour around my ( Y )
tricks like this is meant for kids, by smaller kids!
forget it guys..... iveco hopeless freak tat need IMH immediate attention
[5:30 pm]
ratina> ginny is my fave character in Harry Potter books & movies.
iveco, shere is this menara bank is ur mama plying her trade har?
dun try to gather sympathy here. we'll hang u and then burn u at the old oak tree!!!!
iveco> shd u go back on ur words....we shall all take action to ensure a violent end for u here in sgf...
mos> roger.