i will need to get confirmation from Croco himself....
wahahah anyone verified tt???
Originally posted by BaByBoY:
wahahah anyone verified tt???
BBB, axel chio bu said so, maybe both of them...
is there something to stand in the 1st place?
Confirmatin fmor Croco...
croco> is it true that u cannot stand? haha axel> why leh? croco cannot stand... can somemore provide some info? as to is croco relly cannot stand? I not too sure about sgboy2004, but for NeonTetra, hehehehehe thats why he never go outings.. he cannot stand.. how to go? * sgboy2004 stands up (pun intended) * Axelheat755 clap clap wah, i go away to post come back become married liao mos i just saw it lah<<< saw wat? wah croco can stand...
but could it be due to the effext of the little blue pill