almost lunch le and the darn RC still down!!!!
Originally posted by littlestream:almost lunch le and the darn RC still down!!!!
lol..........i like to multi-task ah.......can eat and play at the same time. anyways, i'm taking a walk to the cafe to get lunch. u hv a good nite, meltz. ;-)
Originally posted by littlestream:lol..........i like to multi-task ah.......can eat and play at the same time. anyways, i'm taking a walk to the cafe to get lunch. u hv a good nite, meltz. ;-)
wooo.........i just looked at my join date and it's my 4th year in sgf. :P
thanks meltz. ;-) catch u again eh. ;-)
status update : it's NOW 3:35am and the darn RC is STILL down!!!! :x :x :x
wah RC is still down!!!
RC's back up ...
KNS maintainence so long, machiam WoW .... /aggro
why ur no trade with me!?
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:why ur
no trade with me!?
cos he didn't log in yest?
btw if u want anything i have and u have wat i need to upgrade my current dishes, trade okie? hehehee
sure ...
stupid RC last nite down, if not i should make more lor.... got 11k le...
if only PS is so easy to make coins >.<
I need a tomato
Anyone wants to trade?
Originally posted by elindra:I need a tomato
Anyone wants to trade?
i trade tomato with an egg with u .. see if u ok, if not u go see my ingredients ..
and elindra .. i noticed u don't have a dessert .. u shld focus on getting a dessert 1st?
and to level up ur other dishes..
wah lau .. kopi got quite a number of items i want .. must trade with kopi!
i just started... why my char male de.
can change mah ?
oh its not male.
Originally posted by Ferret:i just started... why my char male de.
can change mah ?
Originally posted by Ferret:i just started... why my char male de.
can change mah ?
in RC?
somehow ce got a software that can hack in rc n ps
what for?
Originally posted by ä¸�如就æ»:in RC?
yah. they are all just fugly.
ok i got quite a number of dishes le. what next ?
hack for gold and cheat lvl la
u must grow up a bit.