Ok... Number 4 here it is...
The Game :
Mousehunt is a game application in Facebook.
Mousehunters in SGF :
1. Ferret
2. Abnn
3. Meltz
4. turbie
5. Skeujin
6. Yong93
7. Streamie
8. Ah Juice ( deleted app)
9. Zora
10. DInkieWinkie
11. Capitaland
12. Kiseki
13. the bear
14. Hisoka
15. Tare
16. JasonC
17. Darkensun
18. Fairlady
19. Master
20. Ad
21. Doubser
22. Trixcereals
23. N73
24. SBS7848P
25. hmsg
26. Laurence82
27. Daisuke
Helpful Guide for the newbies :
An excerpt from the guide :
You start off NOVICE and can only hunt in Gnawnia town and the meadow. It costs 50 gold to travel to the meadow but does not cost anything to travel to Gnawnia town.
In Town you can access the Cheeseshoppe and the Trapsmith where you can stock up on all types of cheese (other than Radioactive Blue cheese), and upgrade your traps (traps require a certain point value so as your experience level goes up, you are able to buy better traps – click on Trapsmith to see how much each trap costs and to see what points are required for each). If traveling to other areas (i.e. Meadow, Harbour, Mountains, Lab or Mousoleum) you need to stock up on cheese as you cannot purchase cheese or traps there. In Town, you can also access the Marketplace where you can buy and sell maps and SB+. You may catch more than one map piece or key (which you can sell here), but you must have at least 2 of an item to sell it (i.e. you cannot sell a map piece if you only have one – you need it for yourself to access that area). Note: Beware of purchasing keys/maps that you will not be able to use until you reach a certain level.
You then move up to APPRENTICE (hold the cursor over your status bar and it'll tell you what percentage you're at) and can hunt in the Harbour. It cost 1000 gold to travel to the Harbour. There you can catch more pirate, burglar and zombie mice (although you can also get them in Town). You can also catch Black Widow mice here that drop SuperBrie+ (SB+) and Radioactive Brie (RB). But… mice will also steal gold, cheese and points from you if you don't catch them.
Then you move up to JOURNEYMAN and can hunt in the Mountains. It costs 4500 to travel to the mountains. There you need to catch the Ninja mouse that will drop a lab map piece (bear in mind that not every ninja has a map – this is the same for any loot dropping mice). You also have a better chance of catching Black Widow mice here though - I think.
After that i think you no need guide anymore...
Some helpful Tips :
1) Stock up on cheese - I cant stress this enuff. Make sure you have enough cos even if you are not sounding horn, there will be a hunt on every hour or so, and to run out of cheese is just... terrible
In town of Gnawia, cheese refunds for exactly the same value as bought. So dont worry about wasting gold. You can always refund it back afterwards.
2) Sound the horn as often as possible. Yes the cheese may get eaten. Yes it may go stale. Yes it might not even attract a single mousie. But every single horn sounded adds up to your points. And possibly gold if u did catch a mousie.
3) Upgrade your Trap + Base when you can. A better trap = more mice caught.
4) Try to find friends in different time zones within your area. Or just more friends playing Mousehunt. Because unless you are a real maniac at MH, you wont be sitting in front of the comp 24/7 sounding the damn tooting horn every 15 mins. Your friends can help you sound the horn when you are asleep, away or busy doing real work. (if you left your FB on)
5) Dont be afraid to try different maps. Some mice may follow you around when you travelled to a new map. Be wary of the travel cost. Do stock up on cheese before you travel.
6) Try different cheese to see what works for you. Some may do well with just cheddar. Or marble. Or swiss. Or brie. Different cheese attracts different mice in different locations. Have fun experiementing.
i want to capture the Birthday Mouse!
wow ... so fast 4th one ...
i've yet catch any birthday mouse :(
I've got 4 bday mice so far! =D
Corrupted Radioactive Blue Potion (x4)
Scrap Metal (x1)
Radioactive Blue Cheese (x8)
Birthday Gift (x1)
Fancy Birthday Gift (x1)
Plankrun's Journal Entries on the Dojo (x1)
Satchel of Gold (750 gold) (x1)
Meteorite Piece (x3)
Birthday Gift (x8)
Fancy Birthday Gift (x1)
Radioactive Blue Cheese (x3)
Scrap Metal (x3)
Corrupted Radioactive Blue Potion (x3)
Keeper's Candle (x1)
abnn is super hardworking in MH. always sound the horn de. always I try and sound ten will say sounded by her le
Originally posted by hisoka:abnn is super hardworking in MH. always sound the horn de. always I try and sound ten will say sounded by her le
me ah ? nth to do in office wor
hmmm weird ..
you need to go the other place first
then if you're in the other place when it locks then can go acolyte
but the other place certain time of the day open only
chim sia .. wat is the "other place" ?
dead lioa
So there is a use for the ancient cheese now.
so lousy ,,
Copied over from MH Forum :
Go to the Cartographer in the Bazaar and get your Tattered Mousoleum Map restored for $160,000. This will take 5 days.
After 5 days collect your restored map from the Cartographer and head to the Catacombs if you are Legendary.
1) Radioactive Blue Cheese
Collect as many RB potions as you can in the Lab. You will need a continuous supply of Radioactive Blue cheese in the Catacombs.
When RB cheese goes stale it becomes Radioactive Sludge. This is automatically put into your crafting inventory.
2) Ancient Cheese
Crafting recipe: (6) Ionized Salt + (3) Stale Cheese = (3) Ancient Cheese
Crafting recipe: (3) Magic Essence + (6) Ionized Salt + (3) Stale Cheese = (6) Ancient Cheese
Stale cheese is obtained when Brie, Swiss, Marble, Cheddar or White Cheddar goes stale on your trap. It is automatically put into your crafting inventory.
Ancient cheese has a better attraction rate than RB.
Arcane Traps:
1) Obelisk of Slumber (OoS)
Buy the Obelisk of Slumber trap in the Catacombs General Store for $316,350. Alternatively use the Bottomless Grave or Sinister/Ambrosial traps until you can afford the Obelisk of Slumber. These shadow traps are not advisable for the long term in the Catacombs.
2) Obelisk of Incineration (OoI)
Crafting recipe: (1) Obelisk of Incineration Blueprints + (1) Obelisk Parts + (1) Coal+ (2) Scrap Metal + (3) Splintered Wood
Buy the Obelisk of Incineration Blueprints from the Catacombs General Store for $45,079.
Obtain the Obelisk of Slumber parts by using the Hunters Hammer on the Obelisk of Slumber trap. (Do not smash your OoS until you have 1 piece of coal and 2 scrap metal. This may take some time.)
Coal is dropped by Keeper and Scavenger mice.
Scrap Metal is dropped by Scavenger mice.
Splintered Wood can be bought from the Training Grounds General Store.
3) Arcane Capturing Rod Of Never Yielding Mystery (ACRONYM)
Crafting recipe: (12) Scrap Metal + (1) Onyx Stone + (3) Magic Essence + (1) Obelisk Parts + (1) Mysterious Blueprints
Buy the Mysterious Blueprints at the Catacombs Trapsmith for $632,700.
Obtain the Onyx Stone from the Master of the Dojo in the Pinnacle Chamber.
Obtain Magic Essence by using the Hunter's Hammer on Super|brie+.
The ACRONYM is by far the best trap to use in the Catacombs.
The Front cover of Plankrun's journal is dropped by Keeper mice in the Catacombs.
1. What am I doing in the Catacombs? Your objective is to catch all the new mice, make gold, collect loot, craft traps and climb the leaderboard.
2. What is the best trap to use? ACRONYM
3. What is the best base to use? Polar for a rounded effect, Explosive to create more stale cheese, Dehydration for a higher attraction rate.
4. What is the best cheese to use? Ancient cheese or Radioactive Blue cheese.
5. Is it possible to catch Forgotten/Shadow mice using normal cheese? Not really. The attraction rate will be very very bad.
6. Where is stale cheese sold? Stale cheese is obtained when the cheese on your trap goes stale. It is no longer dropped as loot.
7. How is RB sludge obtained? RB sludge is obtained when RB cheese goes stale on your trap. RB cheese does not become stale cheese.
8. What is the use of RB sludge? It's use has not been discovered.
9. Where to obtain Obelisk Parts? Use the Hunter's Hammer on your Obelisk of Slumber. This will smash your OoS and you will no longer have an OoS trap.
10. How to re-craft the OoS trap? You will need (1)Obelisk parts + (1) Bead of Slumber. The Bead of Slumber is available from the Catacombs General Store for $2,000.
11. Where are the blueprints sold? Catacombs General Store. Once you use it for crafting you are unable to sell it back to the General Store.
12. Is it necessary to return to the Cartographer to pick up the restored map? Yes. To check it's progress, click on Shops, then Cartographer.
13. How long does the Cartographer take to restore the map? 5 days.
14. What do I do for 5 days? Go to the Lab and stock up on RB potions.
15. Can I go to the Mousoleum whilst my map is being restored? Not unless you have a second Mousoleum map.
16. Is it necessary to craft the OoI? No.
17. Craft OoI or wait until ACRONYM? Wait until ACRONYM if you already have the OoS.
18. Do the Ambush/ZLM/SnoB/FF/DB/DDB/SA traps work in the Catacombs? No.
19. Which is better, OoS or BG? OoS.
20. Can I use my BG/Sinister/Ambrosial till I have all the parts for the ACRONYM? Not a good idea.
21. What are Forgotten mice? Scavenger, Keeper, Golem, Spider and Ooze mice.
22. Is it a good idea to use an Arcane trap to catch Forgotten mice? Yes.
23. Where can I catch the Forgotten mice? In the Catacombs.
24. Why does it say "my weapon appeared to be ineffective"? You are using the wrong trap.
25. Why does it say "my weapon was very effective"? You are using the right trap.
26. How effective is very effective? Very. Much more than ineffective.
27. No coal/scrap metal dropped for days, is this a bug? No just bad luck. Patience is needed.
28. How to obtain scrap metal faster? Catch more Scavenger mice.
29. Is it possible to craft the OoS from the OoI? Yes by smashing the OoI. However you will lose all your other parts.
30. What to do with the extra scrap metal/coal/RB Sludge? Keep it in your inventory.
31. Can scrap metal/coal/RB sludge/RB/potions/blueprints/traps/Obelisk parts be sold to other hunters? No. Why? Because the Developers of Mousehunt has not developed such a trade system.
32. Where do I find more people to join my hunting group? Look for various Add Me lists instead of creating multiple Add Me lists. Feel free to add me.
33. Why can't I access the Catacombs? You need to be at least Legendary AND your map needs to be fully restored by the Cartographer.
34. I have not caught anything for X hours, am I doing something wrong? If you are using an Arcane trap and RB or Ancient cheese you are not doing anything wrong. You are just having a bad run.
35. How do I get to the Catacombs? You will need to get your Tattered Mousoleum Map repaired at the Bazaar Cartographer.
36. How to catch mice in the Catacombs? By using RB or Ancient cheese and an Arcane trap.
37. Can Ancient cheese be dropped? No you need to craft it.
38. Should I use my Corrupted RB potions? Yes it will save you the trip to the Lab.
39. Should I buy X or wait till Ronza comes? Ronza's visits are rare and far between. Up to you.
40. What might Ronza by selling? I don't know. We can only speculate.
41. Lootless Scavengers? Not all Scavengers drop loot.
42. How do I get Scrap Metal? It is dropped by Scavenger mice.
43. How do I get Coal? It is dropped by Keeper and Scavenger mice.
44. How much gold / points can I make in the Catacombs? Averages about 200,000+ gold /points per 120 hunts, before cheese costs. Net profit is about 2,000 gold / points per cheese.
45. Where is the Catacombs? It is under the Mousoleum.
46. Which cheese should be used to make Stale cheese? Cheddar on Explosive base.
47. What is after the Catacombs? We do not know yet.
48. Is Plankrun's Front cover still available from the Keeper mouse? Yes. It is rare, therefore patience is needed.
49. Do I need Plankrun's Front cover? No.
50. I can't find the Onyx stone? You need to go to the Pinnacle Chamber and catch a Master of the Dojo mouse using Rumble cheese.
51. Where is Super|brie+ sold? Click on the blue Donate button, or go to Friends, then Trade Super|brie+. SB+ can be bought in any location.
52. Does donating increase luck? No.
53. What happened to the Acolyte? It was accidentally released and has been caught.
54. I do not have enough gold to buy X, where can I get gold? Please be patient and save your gold from catching mice. It is not recommended that you create a thread especially asking for gold.
55. I do not have enough Super|brie+, where can I get free SB+? Download the MH toolbar and obtain 3 SB+ per day from doing searches. It is not recommended that you create a thread especially asking for SB+.
56. This list is not comprehensive enough and my question is not answered here. Post your question(s) and someone will reply.
57. Where to find more detailed information on Mousehunt? Mousehunt Wiki. Located under Lore, then MH Wiki. http://mhwiki.hitgrab.com/wiki/
i caught bdae mouse!
and why i not in list???
Originally posted by abnn:wow ... so fast 4th one ...
i've yet catch any birthday mouse :(
i caught 2 birthday mouse.... =)
Originally posted by turbo_drift:i caught 2 birthday mouse.... =)
zzzzzzzzz mai HL .... sob sob sob
i got 7 birthday gifts and 1 special birthday gift...
but.. i want potions!!
Originally posted by abnn:zzzzzzzzz mai HL .... sob sob sob
i neber. but the bear is..