Some companies have this Corporation Plan whereby the boss helped the employees to pay part of their phone bills.
Have you ever heard of this Corporation Plan? Can anyone tell me more about it?
How many % of your phone bills did your boss help you pay?
i think u meant corporate plan
maybe really got such thing call corporation plan or corporate plan where boss help to pay bill that i have yet to hear of.
corporate plan doesnt mean boss help to pay hp bill. corporate plan is just a deal strike between your company and the mobile phone service provider for a better hp package.
boss help to pay hp bill is call hp allowance or reimbursement.
corporate plan give you 20% off any mobile bill for both singtel and starhub. not too sure for m1. u can call them to ask if your co is part of the deal. the 20% is not pay for by your company, its just a deal the company has with the co tel to attract more customers