If you dont wish to have problem receiving and sending emails using blackberry when overseas.
My kind advise to you is never subscribe to M1 services.
I was in Nigeria for a month project and needed to received urgent and important emails. However i got problem sending/receiving emails using blackberry
I called M1 using my phone and they advised me to do some settings which i did. However still unable to ... (i spent 20 minutes talking on phone with M1). after much attempts... they told me that M1 do not have any partnership with Nigera!
WTF! If i ever knew that M1 doesnt cover most of the countries, i wouldnt have sign up in the first place, and causing me to pay a hefty sum for their useless technical support!
wtf????ownself nvr check properly then kpkb?
haa, ya .. my bad..
I m not kpkb, but to warn our kind bros and sis here to check before subscribing to M1 blackberry if they ever consider going to any countries, especially the 3rd world countries....