sometimes i wish i have a time machine..
turn back time to that fateful evening 4.5 years ago..
if i just slammed down the phone, i would not have known you. if so, there wouldn be 3.5 years of happiness and tears.. not to mention the tears that flowed for the next 1 year...
I have always thought that we were the perfect match, but alas, i was wrong. I never realised tat I was a burden, so heavy that it became difficult for you to carry on.
I tried ways and means, to get over you. I always thought I did, only to realise that I'm so far from there..
In a way, I was glad to have known you. You made me determined to get a degree when everyone around me was tellin me.. no..dun do that. tho I have yet to complete even my diploma, I will keep wat you said in my mind.
I wanna say thank you, for being there for me when everything in my world was crashing down. For believing in me, when everyone else didn't. For tolerating me, when I was far from being tolerable. For giving me the strength to overcome what stood ahead of me.
If not for you, I wouldn't have been here.
Right now, I am proud to say that........ I will always see you as a big brother that I never had... thank you.. for all teh memories, sad and happy... May they stay as long as my brain permits...
maybe i'm getting dementia... i can't seem to rmb things... yikes