Compared to MG Acguy, this kit is able to recreate the actions and images of Acguy without using gimmicks.
Especially the scenes using fingernails like climbing rocks and battle scenes.
The design is based on the detailed 08 Acguy with underwater arrangement.
The retractile arms cn be recreated with left/right replacement.
The arms stretch out 160% more (maximum) compared to MG ACGUY.
The retractile fingernails can be recreated with relacement parts. (110% compared to MG.)
08 version arm cover parts enables to recreate battle scene with Landing Force Gundam.
Inner mehanic details recreated, the mono-eye can be moved.
Foil stickers included for detailed colorings.
Right fingernails and left missile included.
Right arm missle also included (not included in the MG kit).
Price : ¥1,400