err... can i say something? haf been out for action for so long so dunnoe if i can say something here. i kept reading the previous threads and i tot, wad the hack! juz post my thoughts here la... so dis my 2 cents worth.
wad used to be a kick abt at hcjc was being transformed to becum a makeshift team to the present REDS FC! all dis within a yr! cheers to the mgr, asst mgr and everyone who has contributed to dis success! as the team gets stronger wif the addition of more players, we haf come to dis present team of 20. games at home and away grounds haf seen us winning and losing.
now bac to de topic of whether we shld play in a league. my qus to all of ya is, will joining a league satisfy and fulfill the orginal aim of having fun, sweating it out on the field, shouting at each other to cover the empty space left by teammate who has wandered too far up, the usual jokes of who is fm School of Crossing, School of Heading, School of Ballooning???
wif most or in fact all the students graduating dis yr, im sure paying for the league games is not a prob but my point is. izzit worth paying money and u cannot joke ard anymore? being serious and breaking one's brain during work and studies is stressful enuff so why add more pressure to urself again when u haf to try to win games or in some cases trying to minise the goals conceded and lose wif pride? isnt dis paying $ to suffer?
i do agree tt playing in league will bring out the best in some players. dis is definately a plus point but in a league, games are bound to be more competitive and aggressive. injuries are inevitable. take mi for eg, wad i wanted was to haf a fun and hearty sun kicking ard wif ya guys but juz a tackle put mi out for so long! fcuk! it fills real bad to be sitting in front of the computer wk in wk out reading the reports of how wonderful the games had been. my point here is, izzit worth the risk of getting injured and out of action for tt competitive edge? ya guys may say it might be my bad luck tt i got dis injury but are you sure dis WILL NOT hap to ya AT ALL?
toking abt mgt prob now, rob and russ has undoublty done a great job making sure things run smoothly ( informing players, car pool, buying and sourcing for equipments ). playing in league will sure add on more things to their volunteered duties. is dis fair to em? solution might be to delegate out the duties other members of the team but qus here again, izzit worth the trouble?
nxt pt i wanna put across is trying to improve the standard of play in the team. as mentioned earlier, some says tt playing in league will inspire and motivate players to get better. den let mi put a qus across to all of ya. why do professional teams, sleague teams, clubs teams, school teams need training session? to get understanding and improve the standards, team spirit, and game play, aint i correct? are we able to do the same? improving fitness, skills can be done in trainings but are we able to afford the time? gf and wife, deadlines, overtime! rem, we are committed to all these bros!
if my facts are correct, there is a SIA team which used to play in a league and they did experience alot of probs like i mentioned abt. wadz more, they were formed much earlier den us!
dis are some pts which i tot ya guys wud wanna consider b4 making a decision. i'm not trying to discourage ya all fm join but i seriously think tt alot of things haf to be done b4 the final decison were to be made. may i suggest tt if the idea of joining a league is seriously in consideration, why not get the team to seriously sit down to discuss over it? something like an AGM? anyway, we are fast approaching 1yr old liao ma! gee.....
dis are some pts that i tot of.... there are a couple more but i dunnoe how to put em in words. english not powerful enuff.
will try to sort em out b4 posting em again! heehee...
till den,