A 3D horror MMO from Korea, Requiem: Bloodymare takes place in an era feeling the effects of long-ago experiments and war with science and magic that went horribly wrong. The world is now barren, full of poison and mutants, These mysterious and horrible creatures are a threat to the fragile society that still exists, placing its hope upon an energy source once responsible for the world's destruction, as its potential savior.
Players can join the fight to protect the rebirth of humanity. Requiem features 3D horror graphics and gore using the Havok engine for realistic physics. Players can fight special monsters that only come out at night for special loot, turn their characters into powerful beasts to increase their strength and prowess, and enhance their weapons in many different combinations.
The game is free to play, but optional subscriptions reduce XP loss on death and increase stat gains considerably among other benefits. There is also an item shop.
Just found a guild with some sg players on Valdes,its called xdeathgods. Any sg players want to join just msg xYamamoto or tianxia in game
Just found a sg guild in hammerine - Peacekeeper
contact DevilXuan to join.
Currently I m playing more in Hammerine but I m with another guild.
season 2 is coming, looks like a lot of changes